Top 10 Benefits of ReactJS for Your Application Development

For business owners who are willing to plunge into the online business, choosing suitable and right tools might be a tough call. 

There are many web and mobile app development frameworks that give you tough competition when choosing it and React Native is one of those. Yes, it is one of the leading and preferred enterprise development frameworks used by Facebook, Skype, Instagram, Airbnb, and many more. ReactJS is an efficient, declarative, and flexible open-source JavaScript library that is used to build simple, fast, and scalable front-end development and single-page applications.

10 Tips To Optimize Angular Application To Increase Website Speed

Many known and traffic-generating websites across enterprise segments use website optimization methods for their angular web development, such as Google, PayPal, YouTube, and more. Angular is popular for its feature-rich, robust, high-performing characteristics as a front-end framework.

However, the business faces challenges bound to happen when they opt for Angular as web development. It is challenging to create mission-critical web apps, content-based sites, and similar architectural apps that are complex.

Top 7 React Native Components for Software Development

React Native is one such framework that is used for software development. It allows app development for multiple platforms with a single code base for iOS, Android, Windows with a single code base. React Native is one of the most known and highly used cross-platform for mobile app development presented by Facebook and the most prominent active developers' communities.

What Is React Native?

React Native is a well-known JavaScript-based app framework used for mobile apps and software development. It enables developers to develop natively generated apps for iOS and Android. You can develop a React Native-Based application for various platforms using the same codebase as the software development company. 

Top Skills To Become a Professional Full-Stack Developer in 2022

If we talk about professional versatility in the software development company, there's no one better than a full-stack developer to justify the word "versatility." Full-stack developers are well-versed in both back-end and front-end development services.

So, full-stack developers work on both the client-side and server-side of the software app development. This means a full-stack developer is capable of working on the front end, back end development, database, server, API, and version-controlling systems.

Golang Vs. Python: Which Programming Language Will Suit You?

When you are on board to kick off the new project, the team of developers goes over several meetings to decide the suitable language. However, selecting the best programming language will always be a crucial decision for custom software development services.

Before moving further for any project, the development team discusses the requirements for their development project. Albeit, we have a plethora of options to choose from, such as PHP, JavaScript, Golang, Python, and C++. Many times, Go and Python becomes the first choice among the developers.