Top 12 Technical Skills Every Software Tester Must Have

Nobody can become a software tester like that. To gain that profession, there are some technical skills that every tester has to go through. As the renowned computer scientist and testing expert Jerry (Gerald) Weinberg once said, “If you are not learning something new each day, you are not testing.” Well, when the technology, agile, and DevOps methodologies are advancing rapidly, while accelerated development and continuous deployments are getting more complex, testing becomes quite a critical phase. This allows testers to work harder and demands more deliberation.

Learning about the latest trends and advancing in technical skills becomes inevitable to keep up with the trends and avoid becoming obsolete. In this scenario, every tester needs to be well-versed with the technical skills—to get greater insight, a great degree of effectiveness, and effectively communicate the failures and defects in the system to developers.

How to Add Test Cases to Your React Typescript App

React Testing Library is a testing utility tool built to test the actual DOM tree rendered by React on the browser. The goal of the library is to help you write tests that resemble how a user would use your application. This can give you more confidence that your application works as intended when a real user does use it.

React Testing Library Methods for Finding Elements

Most of your React test cases should use methods for finding elements. React Testing Library provides several methods to find an element by specific attributes in addition to the getByText() method.

Best Practices to Improve the Performance of the Flutter App

That's why the use of Flutter has reached a point where it has become the most popular app development framework in 2021. But, of course, you cannot achieve success without a solid understanding of this framework. To help you do that, we've listed some tips on Flutter app performance improvement. 

Do Not Rebuild Widgets

Too often, we see widget rebuild as a typical performance anti-pattern. Every user interaction with the widget will refresh the whole view. That, in turn, will impact the scaffold and the background widget, which only delays the app's ability to load fully. It is better to limit the rebuild process to the things you need to update. Then, you can use the Bloc pattern to rebuild the necessary parts.

A Guide to Implement Instagram-Like Filters in React Native

On Instagram, you can apply filters easily and get the desired result quickly. It has great functionality to modify photos with better output. Some clients may demand similar functionality in their custom react native applications. They required Instagram-like filters in the custom app.

In context to the situation, we have created a step-by-step guide on how to integrate image editing, and filters like Instagram in react native.

Software Outsourcing Best Practices to Follow

Lower costs, an enormous pool of talent, cutting-edge infrastructure, and easier market entry are just some of the perks that come with outsourcing software development. That's why it's no surprise that many businesses are looking to software outsourcing companies to expand their operations.

But it's not smooth sailing all the way. Success in outsourcing requires a solid understanding of communication, management, and budgeting across multiple projects. This is where learning and applying software outsourcing best practices can make all the difference.

Flutter vs React Native: Which Framework Is Better?

If you are planning to develop a native mobile application, that would cost you higher and consume time as well. Thus, cross-platform app development has gained popularity as it allows you to develop mobile applications that run on more than one platform.

Definitely, developing an application for different platforms can extend the development process, and by extending the process, you would be under the burden of the development budget. But, if you are building a single app for all the platforms with a single code base, you are saving your money and time as well.

Flutter for Building MVPs – What Makes It an Optimal Choice?

Development time is the most prioritized factor we need to consider while developing any application. Before any product launches, it must go through the testing phase for its validity, performance, and feasibility. It will surely help you save from money loss and damage to your reputation.

Suppose you plan to get into a contract with a custom mobile app development company for developing a mobile application. In that case, you are indeed opting for the best mobile app development frameworks that fit your organizational goal. And with so many mobile app development frameworks available in the market, you might get confused about which framework to choose. But now, keep your worries aside. Because Flutter is one of the most essential and ultimate solutions for MVP that can take you towards your end goal true soon.

Responsive vs Adaptive Design: Which One Is Better?

Having an online presence meant designing a website that would only be seen and displayed on a desktop and maybe a laptop computer screen. Now, though, if you are planning to design a website, a plethora of screen sizes and resolutions need to be considered —  from a handy device (mobile) to a laptop or tablet screen. And if your web design doesn’t display correctly on any of the devices, a user will quickly move on. 

The era we’re living in, where people prefer using mobile devices for visiting websites. However, there is a significant increase in the number of mobile devices. It’s vital for businesses to make their website visibility on smartphones and tablets.

PWA vs AMP: Which One Is Better?

Mobile apps are way better and more convenient than desktop or web platforms. Yet, they are not the most comfortable option that the industry offers. 

In the web development industry, the sky's the limit. And you will see many growth factors and technologies in it. To hit the highest level of user satisfaction and to outrun competitors, inventive people opt-in favor of a Progressive Web App (PWA) or Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP). 

Flutter vs React Native vs Xamarin

As per the report, smartphone users across the globe will rise to 3.8 billion by 2021. Isn’t it a huge number? However, most smartphone users use three different mobile platforms - iOS, Android, and Windows.

However, among the plethora of mobile app development platforms to choose from, developers face the ever-looming question of which one would be the best one. You will find many mobile app development frameworks such as Native app development, Hybrid app development, Cross-platform app development, and PWAs. But if you have a limited budget and want maximum exposure, then cross-platform app development will turn out to be the right choice for you.

9 Ways to Reduce Android App Size During Android App Development

With more and more digitalization, there are more requirements for mobile and mobile apps that we use daily. The increase in mobile storage spaces raised to 256 GB, which is sure to increase as we meet customer needs, add new features, and support apps on different screen sizes. 

Based on the report, 74% of the world uses Android, and around 70% of users look for the app size before installing any app.

Know How to Build Microservices With Node.js

Building real-time application with the help of a mobile app development company is the most important thing for any business. Adding new features and offering a better user experience to users play a crucial role in any business app.

To execute an effective business application, a business needs a technology-proven web development company that has skilled and experienced Node.js developers. The design and quality code of any application plays a key role to increase app usage.

.NET Framework Vs .NET Core: A Complete Quick Comparison

There is an increasing demand for skilled .NET developers in this technology. Obviously, .NET technology refers to both .NET Framework and .NET Core. With the increasing demand for .NET development services, the .NET development company is offering quality web development projects. Therefore, it’s the right time to invest in these two languages after having sufficient knowledge. 

As we know, both .NET Framework and .NET Core have made their impression on web development services. However, the debate is still on which is better in the long run. But you know what, this is a never-ending debate and will not lead you to a conclusion. But on the other hand, we know that .NET Core is coming up with new features and functionalities to simplify the development and testing of desktop, web, cloud, and mobile applications.

Android Development Trends With AI and Machine Learning in Testing

Nowadays, applications are not just made for mobile devices but also for e-readers, gadgets, and other Internet-connected devices. There is a vast number of available Android devices, and as you have probably realized, apps are becoming smarter as well.

QA professionals often test such features using browser-independent and cross-platform software testing, which makes use of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI).

Why Should You Choose ReactJS for Your Next Project?

We have to think too much before it’s ready to deploy — from hiring a developer to wireframing to finding a target audience to platform. With ever-changing technologies, innovation in the development framework makes it possible to decrease development time. The less time you spend on developing, the faster you deploy the app in the market. 

However, the time of development depends on the technology framework you choose. Faster development is one of the many reasons why cross-platform applications are preferred over native apps. However, many big companies and brands are using React Native nowadays. It’s one of the leading mobile app development frameworks that is used and trusted by Facebook, Skype, Instagram, Airbnb, and many more.

Trending Programming Language to Learn

It wasn't that long ago when computer programming was an almost unknown and secluded field. Back then, there used to be only a few people who had the advanced coding skill set to be considered computer programmers. 

But today, information technology is evolving at a faster pace than ever before. In parallel with the rapid development of the IT sector, there is a rapid growth in the market demand for specialists.