For the Wit! My First Day With Components

Some thoughts and reflection on my first day using Wasm components for something more involved than hello world. caution message

I've been evangelizing WebAssembly for what feels like the last 100 years (it's only been 4!). I've introduced enough people and teams to Wasm to have noticed a common journey to adoption that starts with what might feel like stages of grief. As we peel away the layers of shiny demos and things that only work under a blue moon at the stroke of midnight in a thunderstorm, reality sets in that the core Wasm standard is just, as my colleague Bailey Hayes says, “three ints in a trenchcoat.”

Bridging WebAssembly Gaps With Components and Wasifills

An examination of how wasifills — a component adapter pattern like polyfills, but for components — can help bridge the gap between today's rapidly changing standards landscape and the future of interoperable components facilitated with wit and wit worlds. 

It's an amazing time to be on the bleeding edge of the WebAssembly adoption curve, but it's not without risk.

All the Cloud’s a Stage and All the WebAssembly Modules Merely Actors

The actor model is a model for concurrent computation originally developed in 1973. This classic definition says that in response to a message, an actor may:

  • Make local decisions
  • Create more actors
  • Send messages
  • Determine how to respond to the next message

There are dozens of actor model implementations out there, from Akka to wasmCloud. One aspect of the model implementation differentiates wasmCloud from the majority. In this post, we’ll take a look at the notion of actors creating more actors and see why people have historically wanted this ability in their frameworks and how wasmCloud accomplishes the same goals but without manual supervision tree management.

Zero Trust Distributed Computing With WebAssembly and WasmCloud

I recently gave a talk at CNCF Security Conference North America on the subject of zero-trust computing. In this post, I'll provide an overview of the material from that talk, discussing how zero-trust computing is supported at the module, runtime, capability, and cluster levels. 

Zero Trust Distributed Computing

I thought it might be a good idea to provide a recap and distillation of the material from the conference talk here. As we continue to preach, WebAssembly is far more than just another tool for building applications that run in the browser. We all firmly believe that it is a next-generation enabling technology for the cloud, the edge, and everywhere in between.