The Impact of AI and Platform Engineering on Cloud Native’s Evolution: Automate Your Cloud Journey to Light Speed

Editor's Note: The following is an article written for and published in DZone's 2024 Trend Report, Cloud Native: Championing Cloud Development Across the SDLC.

2024 and the dawn of cloud-native AI technologies marked a significant jump in computational capabilities. We're experiencing a new era where artificial intelligence (AI) and platform engineering converge to transform cloud computing landscapes. AI is now merging with cloud computing, and we're experiencing an age where AI transcends traditional boundaries, offering scalable, efficient, and powerful solutions that learn and improve over time. Platform engineering is providing the backbone for these AI systems to operate within cloud environments seamlessly. 

How To Implement Supply Chain Security in Your Organization

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital innovation, the integrity of software supply chains has become a pivotal cornerstone for organizational security. As businesses increasingly rely on a complex web of developers, third-party vendors, and cloud-based services to build and maintain their software infrastructure, the risk of malicious intrusions and the potential for compromise multiply accordingly. Software supply chain security, therefore, is not just about protecting code — it's about safeguarding the lifeblood of a modern enterprise. This article seeks to unravel the complexities of supply chain security, presenting a clear and detailed exposition of its significance and vulnerabilities. It aims to arm readers with a robust checklist of security measures, ensuring that industry leaders can fortify their defenses against the insidious threats that lie in wait within the shadows of their software supply chain ecosystems.

What Is Supply Chain Security?

Supply chain security in the context of software refers to the efforts and measures taken to protect the integrity, reliability, and continuity of the software supply chain from design to delivery. It encompasses the strategies and controls implemented to safeguard every aspect of the software development and deployment process. This includes securing the code from unauthorized changes, protecting the development and operational environments from infiltration, ensuring the authenticity of third-party components, and maintaining the security of software during its transit through the supply chain.

API Security: Best Practices and Patterns To Securing APIs

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are the linchpins of modern software architecture, acting as the conduits through which different software systems communicate and exchange data between users and internal systems. APIs define the methods and data formats that applications use to talk to each other, enabling the interoperability that is vital for creating the rich, seamless experiences users have come to expect. They allow for the extension of functionality in a modular way, where services can be updated, replaced, or expanded without affecting the overall system. In a digital ecosystem increasingly reliant on integration, APIs facilitate the connectivity between services, cloud applications, and data sources, thereby accelerating innovation and efficiency in software development.

What Is API Security?

API security is an essential component of modern web services and applications, focused on protecting the integrity of APIs, including any intermediaries involved. Security involves implementing measures to safeguard the exchange of data, ensuring that APIs are accessible only to authorized users, and that data transfer is both secure and reliable. Effective API security encompasses methods to authenticate and authorize users, validate, and sanitize input data, encrypt sensitive information, and maintain comprehensive logs for ongoing monitoring and auditing. Review all best practices for managing API access tokens.

Source Code Management and Branching Strategies for CI/CD

In the realm of modern software development, the adoption of Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) practices is paramount for fostering a streamlined and efficient release process. At the heart of this practice lies source code management and the strategic use of branching methodologies, which serve as the scaffolding for collaboration, rapid iteration, and the high-velocity deployment of features and fixes. Effective branching strategies are crucial, as they dictate how changes are merged, how conflicts are resolved, and ultimately, how software is delivered to the end-user. This article delves into the core principles of source code management within the CI/CD pipeline, exploring the best practices for branching strategies that harmonize the development workflow and ensure that integration and delivery are as seamless as possible.

What Is Source Code Management?

Source Code Management (SCM), at its core, is a discipline within software engineering that focuses on tracking and controlling changes in the software. This practice involves managing and documenting the evolving versions of source code to prevent chaos and promote clarity. SCM provides a historical record of code development, allowing developers to pinpoint who made changes, what changes were made, and when these changes occurred. This is especially critical in collaborative environments where multiple developers may be working on different features or fixes simultaneously.

Site Reliability Engineering

In the dynamic world of online services, the concept of site reliability engineering (SRE) has risen as a pivotal discipline, ensuring that large-scale systems maintain their performance and reliability. Bridging the gap between development and operations, SRE is a set of principles and practices that aims to create scalable and highly reliable software systems.

Site Reliability Engineering in Today’s World

Site reliability engineering is an engineering discipline devoted to maintaining and improving the reliability, durability, and performance of large-scale web services. Originating from the complex operational challenges faced by large internet companies, SRE incorporates aspects of software engineering and applies them to infrastructure and operations problems. The main goal is to create automated solutions for operational aspects such as on-call monitoring, performance tuning, incident response, and capacity planning.

Database Security: Best Practices and What You Need to Know

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, marked by the ascendancy of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the ubiquity of cloud computing, the importance of database security has never been more pronounced. As databases increasingly become the backbone of AI algorithms and cloud-based services, they amass vast amounts of sensitive information, making them prime targets for cyberattacks. The convergence of these technologies not only amplifies the potential risks but also complicates the security dynamics, necessitating a more vigilant and sophisticated approach to safeguarding data. 

What Is Database Security?

Database security is the practice of protecting and securing data from unauthorized access, corruption, or theft throughout its lifecycle. It encompasses a range of measures designed to safeguard databases, which are critical repositories of sensitive information in an organization. Effective database security strategies not only protect data integrity and privacy but also ensure regulatory compliance and maintain organizational reputation.  As databases are the center of many data ecosystems, database security can encompass everything from network protocols, application access control lists, to firewalls.  Security shouldn’t just stop or isolate to the database tier when developing a database security plan.

Navigating the Skies

This is an article from DZone's 2023 Database Systems Trend Report.

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Read the Report

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses across the globe are embracing cloud computing to streamline operations, reduce costs, and drive innovation. At the heart of this digital transformation lies the critical role of cloud databases — the backbone of modern data management. With the ever-growing volume of data generated for business, education, and technology, the importance of scalability, security, and cloud services has become paramount in choosing the right cloud vendor.

Migrate RDBMS Dinosaurs to the Cloud

This is an article from DZone's 2022 Database Systems Trend Report.

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Read the Report

Dinosaurs are not extinct. Many of the top businesses of today have either migrated to the cloud or are in the process of currently migrating. As part of their IT organizations, it’s common to possess one or more large relational database management systems (RDBMS) that are at the core of the business. These monstrous dinosaurs are often the most mission-critical of all company data and are in no way extinct but can also serve as an anchor from a full migration to the cloud. No matter the cloud strategy, these monolithic databases are essential to the ecosystem and should be part of the migration strategy to be successful.