What Is Load Testing? Ensuring Robust System Performance Under Pressure

While load testing may sound like an esoteric domain exclusive to software engineers or network administrators, it is, in fact, a silent superhero in our increasingly digital world. Acting behind the scenes, load testing ensures the apps and websites we use daily are capable of withstanding the demands of their users without stumbling.

It's the silent force keeping the digital infrastructure wheel rotating smoothly, even during peak usage times. Intrigued? Let's dive into the world of load testing, examining its significance in our digital lives and how it impacts the software and systems we interact with daily.

Test Infrastructure Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

Test infrastructure refers to the hardware, software, and other resources necessary to support software application testing. This can include things like test environments, test tools and equipment, test data, and other resources that are needed to plan, design, execute, and evaluate tests.

It is an integral part of the testing process by providing the resources and support required for testing activities. It is typically designed and set up before testing, and it is commonly managed by a dedicated team or individual.

What Is End-To-End Testing? E2E Testing Tutorial With Examples and Best Practices

End-to-end testing, or E2E testing, as the name suggests, is the testing methodology that validates a software workflow from start to end. The primary goal of E2E testing is to simulate an end user's application journey and ensure that all integrated components, dependencies, and other integrated pieces work as expected.

While this looks obvious that the testing has to be done with all components attached, end-to-end testing is the last stage of testing and is usually done infrequently. This is especially so if the application under test is extensive, i.e., it has hundreds of components and thousands of dependencies.

Unit Testing Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

Unit testing is considered the first step of testing in the software development life cycle that involves validating each testable part (also known as units/modules/components) of a software application to determine each unit of the application's code works as intended. Unit testing is usually performed in the early development stages of an application by developers and QA engineers.

The primary objective of unit testing is to isolate a code section and test its correctness. It helps uncover early bugs and flaws in application code that can be more challenging to identify in the later stages of the software testing life cycle (STLC).

Usability Testing: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples And Best Practices

Usability testing is a technique of evaluating the user experience of a web product or service by testing it with representative users. It is an approach to identify issues that users may encounter when using the product and to collect feedback about how to enhance the product's usability.

Over the years, with increasing competitors, organizations are actively researching and spending on understanding usability. And, merely design and content aren't adequate; the software or website's engaging, intuitive, and responsive user experience, which an average person can use to achieve specific goals, has become important too.

Chaos Engineering Tutorial: Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

Chaos engineering is the discipline of testing distributed software or systems by introducing failures and permitting engineers to study the demeanor and perform modifications with the outcome so that the failures are avoided when end users work with the software and systems. It is blended with Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), which attempts to compute the influence of the improbable.

In chaos engineering, practitioners intentionally inject failure into a system to assess its resiliency. This science involves the implementation of experiments and hypotheses followed by comparing the outcome with a steady state.

Regression Testing Tutorial: Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

Regression testing is a software testing process executed after making modifications or upgrades to a software application and re-tests the application areas that may have been affected by the fix. It can be performed manually and automatically by running a specific set of test cases.

When a software product undergoes alterations in the existing features, bug fixes, and the addition of new features, regression testing aims to ensure that after these alterations, the product works as expected.