How Can Low-Code Tools Reduce Cost During Recession

The software industry is currently in the clutches of a global recession. However, the ongoing global economic downturn has shifted energy to establish new business models and software development processes, aiming at order-of-magnitude reductions in terms of IT and development costs.

But it doesn’t strictly mean cutting back on budgets only.

Best 9 Angular Component Libraries in 2023

Many applications bump into a stack of similar challenges, like providing an intuitive and consistent user interface (UI), handling or rendering large data sets, allowing seamless data integration, and communicating with other systems using APIs. And as it appears, Angular is a top framework that enables developers to tackle these challenges with the help of extended features and capabilities packed in different UI libraries.

But with so many out there, how can you know which is the best Angular component library? We’ve gathered the best 9.

Three Blazor App Examples You Can Use Right Away

Blazor sample apps provide a good starting point when building a new Blazor Server/WebAssembly project (especially for the first time). They can be used in various scenarios after adjusting and customizing them to match your specific needs. From supplying code examples to documentation, facilitating copying examples into local test apps, or demonstrating some of the best Blazor practices, you can learn and benefit significantly from a Blazor app example.

However, finding a good sample that matches your app requirements or scenario can be challenging sometimes. Some Blazor project examples are easy to get started with and fine-tune because they are kept up to date so that you can use them as a foundation immediately. Others you may find a bit overwhelming due to things like: