Framer Motion Tutorials: Make More Advanced Animations

Framer Motion is a relatively new and popular open-source React animation library, aimed at creating production-ready animation. Framer Motion is Pose’s animation library next-in-line. It possesses a low-level declarative API and can be used irrespective of platform, for the web as well as for mobile apps. Its other advantage valued by the software developers is that it’s also possible to get it as a separate package for use in React apps.

Framer’s documentation provides enough tutorials on how to do the simplest gestures and motion. However, if you are working with more sophisticated cases, there’s too little information on the web in this respect. So it makes no sense to delve into the simplest examples, they can be done according to the documentation. There are also articles on this topic (albeit not very many of them) on the web. Let’s tinker with more complex Framer animations instead.

React Spring Tutorial: Making Animated React Apps

Incorporating animation to UI design can be a tricky thing. Last December we published an article describing “butter-smooth” animations in a React app made with Framer Motion. The issue with Framer Motion was the lack of tutorials on how to do something beyond the simplest stuff. Studying the React Spring library can make people face the opposite problem. 

Although its documentation is well-ordered, detailed, easy to use, and has a lot of impressive examples, most of them are too complicated if your aim is to get the basics. So we thought that making some React Spring tutorials could be helpful.

How to Integrate Combine With SwiftUI to Make Better Apps

SwiftUI and Combine, Apple’s latest frameworks, were the highlights of this year’s WWDC. The long-expected declarative UI, at last, became a reality, and this is truly an event of historic proportions in the world of iOS development. 

Its declarative approach stands contrary to an imperative one, that iOS developers, including us, were using before iOS 13. No wonder they are excited! It removes a lot of complications from the UI-building process.