The Grok AI Model From X: What Does It Mean to the Market?

Elon Musk recently announced the introduction of an artificial intelligence (AI) product to compete with the OpenAI ChatGPT product suite. This product, named Grok, is currently available in beta version only, and is in limited release to a select number of users in the United States. 

As we await the full release of the Grok product, it may be worth considering its potential impact on the market and the features that Musk believes will distinguish Grok from its main competitor. 

Augmented Analytics Helps You Tell the Story of Success

When you embark on an analytics deployment, you want to be sure that you get what you need. To achieve the results you want, you must start at the beginning with planning. Understand how and when your organization will use the solution, and assuming you are planning to employ a self-serve augmented analytics solution, be sure that the software and services you choose will address your user needs and the analytical needs of your team and your organization. 

‘When considering a self-serve augmented analytics solution, there are numerous factors to include in your assessment.’ 

Achieve Continuous Improvement With Augmented Analytics

If you want to encourage and enable continuous improvement within your enterprise, analytics can go a long way toward helping you achieve your goal. When you provide access to augmented analytics solutions for your business users, you distribute knowledge and engender fact-based decision making, helping your users to accurately complete tasks and plan for future success. 

McKinsey recently surveyed 2000 businesses and found that 83% of high-tech/media/telecom, 76% of banking, and more than 50%  of consumer companies identified as continuous improvement organizations. There is good reason for these results. Continuous improvement improves results! And, as McKinsey reports, continuous improvement companies seek to eliminate costs and to empower employees to improve efficiency and growth of product and service innovation. 

Team Collaboration Ensures Digital Transformation Success

In assessing the enterprise landscape and planning for a digital transformation (Dx) transition project, every organization will certainly focus on technology and infrastructure. Technology is, after all, inherent in the very nature of a Dx discussion. Infuture Institute recently published a study that describes the critical factors in a digital transformation (Dx), and one of the most provocative insights states that, "What we need is…the change of attitude in the approach to digital transformation — from a technological approach to the humanistic approach (human over technology, not technology over human), i.e., focus on the employees within the organization and the needs and expectations of customers and consumers."

Business managers might disagree with that conclusion, believing that if we plan appropriately for technology changes and upgrades, we will logically support the needs of the team and customers and stakeholders. But that belief is flawed. The very technology and infrastructure you are planning will be used and leveraged by people (business users, customers, suppliers, and so on). People use technology to achieve goals, monitor results, process requests, collaborate and more. 

Get Context-Driven Natural Language Processing for the Best Search Results

If your business is focused on data-driven, fact-based decisions, your business users may be leveraging an analytics solution to gather, find and analyze data. Business goals include improving results and productivity and getting the best results out of your data, as well as gaining meaningful insight into data. But, you certainly want to accomplish all those goals without frustrating business users or forcing them to adopt tools that do not add value to their day-to-day workflow and tasks. 

When a business sets goals and establishes metrics to determine the value of an analytical solution and a business user analytics initiative within the enterprise, the management team often fails to focus on the more subtle but powerful concept of efficacy. Just how effective is the search process and, equally important, the results produced by that search. I suppose a user can quickly and easily ask a question without having to find and choose columns or fields. In that case, they can avoid the time and complexity of putting together an effective search and the frustration of receiving results that do not fit their requirements. 

The What and Why of NLP Search Analytics and How It Can Help Your Business

If your business is considering an advanced analytics solution, your IT and management team has probably already done some research and concluded that the concept of augmented analytics designed to support business users is the right way to go. However, to democratize data, improve data literacy, and transition business users to the Citizen Data Scientist role, the business must select the right solution and plan for success. 

'NLP search analytics  technology improves productivity, user adoption, business results and competitive positioning in the market.'

2 Crucial Differences Between Native and Hybrid Mobile App Development

Suppose you are trying to decide whether to use native mobile application development or a hybrid mobile application development approach for your project. In that case, there are numerous considerations, and you will, of course, have to look closely at your business requirements. 

This article focuses on just two of the crucial differences between native and hybrid mobile application development and may help get your discussions started.  

Interviewing a Prospective IT Staff Augmentation Partner

If your business is ready to engage an IT Staff Augmentation Partner, you have already decided you need and want help. Whether your enterprise wants support for a one-time software application development project, ongoing support for enterprise systems, or training expertise in a particular technological environment, you want to be sure you get the right resources, the right knowledge, and the right support! In this article, we outline three areas to discuss when hiring a prospective IT staff augmentation partner. 

Delivery Models

Every business need is different and even your business needs may change from month to month. What delivery models does this partner offer? Ideally, you want the most flexibility to respond to changes. You plan for one thing and then discover that you need more resources or a different type of resource. How does the partner respond to that kind of change? You may want onsite resources that are embedded with your team, or offshore resources working from the partner offices to deliver services remotely, or you may want a hybrid delivery model with some resources onsite and some offsite. Can your partner accommodate those needs and do they have experience in delivering services in this way?

2 Examples of Projects that Leverage Java and JSON for Web Services

Java has some amazingly simple tools to make a developer’s life easier. One such tool is the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) open standard file format and data interchange format. It leverages standard text to store and transfer data objects and makes it significantly easier to build Web Services solutions. It can be leveraged in any language including Java, PHP, .NET, etc. It is easy to read and write and easy to parse and generate data and it is a popular data-interchange language for developers around the world. In this article, we look at two specific web services projects utilizing JSON to build the foundation for business solutions. 

"As the web services market grows, the popularity of JSON is likely to grow as well."

5 Critical Areas of Focus for Software Product Development Partner Selection

Software product development is no small project! In order to be successful, the business needs more than an idea. Execution of that concept and the technical, quality, leadership, and support skills and experience of a prospective IT partner is paramount. Any prospective IT consulting partner must have experience in developing a software product for the market. In this article, we discuss five critical areas of consideration when selecting a software product development partner.

Software product development project are complex and the business must carefully select an IT consulting partner with proven references, skills and experience in software product development, maintenance and support.” 

4 Great Hybrid Mobile Application Development Tools To Help Your Project Succeed

As businesses envision new business mobile applications and new mobile applications for the consumer market, the hybrid mobile application development environment is front and center. For the best device coverage and user accessibility, businesses must create hybrid mobile applications that will be suitable for iOS and Android devices. This article will focus on four (4) great hybrid mobile application development tools that will help your mobile application development project succeed. 

‘In this article, we focus on four great hybrid mobile application development tools including, React Native, jQuery Mobile, Mobile Angular UI and Framework 7.’ 

3 Business Benefits of Custom ERP and Custom Software Development

Businesses have many needs, not the least of which is technology. Whether the organization is trying to satisfy internal business user requirements, senior executive requirements, internal IT requirements, customer technology requirements, or requirements related to collaboration and communication among suppliers, partners, or stakeholders, there are many opportunities to optimize performance and productivity and there are many out-of-the-box software products from which to choose. 

But, there are times when the business either wishes to develop a software product to release for customer use, and times when best-of-breed or out-of-the-box solutions do not meet the requirements of the business to manage workflow, provide business users with reporting tools, collaborative tools, or industry-specific functionality and features. 

3 Areas of Focus to Consider When Selecting an Android Development Partner

If your business is considering an Android development project, it will want to select an expert with the right skills and experience. Android application development can help you to build your business with a consumer application or support your team with a business-focused mobile application. In this article, we review three crucial areas of focus you will want to consider when looking at prospective Android application development partners.  

"When considering an Android development partner, be sure to select a partner with the skills, experience, and references to complete your project and anticipate your need for growth, expansion, and change."

Six Great Applications for the Angular Approach to Development

The Angular JS open-source front-end web framework leverages JavaScript development and is used as the front-end for the MEAN stack or other programming languages and frameworks.  It simplifies development and testing using client-side Model View Controller (MVC) and Model View ViewModel (MVVM) architectures. The goal of the Angular JS approach is to provide a structure for application design, Ux, testing, and business logic.

“The Angular development approach provides a full-stack solution, leveraging the power of Angular for lightweight, high-performing, scalable applications”

4 Reasons Java Is So Popular Among Developers

The Java programming language has become so popular that, when people say the word ‘java’, most people no longer think of coffee! The Java language is object-oriented and it supports developers with a library of classes called Java API. It has a long and rich history and is widely recognized for its performance, security, and dependability. In this article, we review four important reasons for Java's popularity among developers. 

"Java is dependable and is the choice of many developers around the world so your business can be assured that it is working with a scalable, high-performance environment." 

3 Stumbling Blocks For Software Application Project Success

Whether your internal IT team is going to tackle your software application development project or you intend to engage an IT consultant to complete your project, your project plan should include all necessary components and considerations if it is to succeed. In this article, we discuss three areas that are often underfunded, under-resourced, or receive less than appropriate attention in the project lifecycle.  

"Software application development projects cannot succeed if they are considered only within the confines of development and implementation."