Indexing in RavenDB vs. MongoDB and PostgreSQL


In this article we’ll discuss how RavenDB indexes documents and how it differentiates itself from MongoDB, another NoSQL document database, as well as the relational database, PostgreSQL.

When it comes to indexing, RavenDB favors “eventual consistency” which means that it optimizes for high throughput read and write scenarios and attempts to return results to queries as fast as it can. These results may be “stale” until the index incrementally rebuilds to catch up to any new document changes. In RavenDB, you may also explicitly wait for non-stale results. On the other hand both MongoDB and PostgreSQL favor consistency (unless read on a secondary replica) but this means indexes impact read/write performance.

Powering Up RavenDB Indexes With NuGet Packages

In RavenDB 5, you can use third-party NuGet packages and load binary data (or "attachments") within your indexes without any additional code deployment necessary.

In this article, I’ll showcase how to use these two features together to index EXIF metadata on images and run ML.NET sentiment analysis offline on product reviews.