Capella iQ-Couchbase’s First Step Into AI

Couchbase's newest AI cloud service is GA on Jan 30! It is called Capella iQ. We did a private preview for it in September, and some of you were invited to try it out! Now, it is available to every Couchbase customer who would like to see firsthand how useful AI can be in a database environment and what a boost it can add to developer productivity!

Even if you are not an existing customer, you can create a free trial account and try it out!

Index Advisor Service for Couchbase N1QL (SQL for JSON)

Couchbase N1QL is a SQL-like language for JSON data. To retrieve and manipulate JSON data effectively, we need appropriate indexes. The rules for creating these indexes can be read here. But that involves too much reading, hence we now have an Index Advisor service that accepts a query and gives out an index recommendation that would meet the expectations of the Couchbase query engine — all without downloading the latest Couchbase server.

This service will provide index recommendations to help DBAs, developers, and architects optimize query performance and meet the SLAs.