Help!!! I’m having such a difficult time

Hello everyone!
I'm working on this C++ program but im kind of lost. I'm using calling fuctions with void and parameters to create this program that is supposed to average a set of 5 scores and dropped the lowest one. It should calculate and display the average of the four highest scores. This function should be called just once by main, and should be passed the five scores. Then it should average the four highest scores and dropped the lowest one.

// The following program is designed to average a group of test scores
// where the lowest score is dropped.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

// This part of the program is where the prototypes
// are going to be located.
double getScore (double, double, double, double, double);
double calcAverage (double, double, double, double, double);
double findLowest (double);

// Now the main function of the program is going to be 
// set up.

int main()


  return 0; 

// This part of the program is where the prototypes are going
// to be located.

double getScore (double score1, double score2, double score3, double score4, double score5)
    cout << " Enter the first score that you wish to average: \n " ;
    cin >> score1;

    cout << " Enter the second score that you wish to average: \n ";
    cin >> score2;

    cout << " Enter the third score that you wish to average: \n";
    cin >> score3;

    cout << " Enter the fourth score that you wish to average: \n ";
    cin >> score4;

    cout << " Enter the first score that you wish to average: \n";
    cin >> score5;

    return getScore;

Find the lowest and the highest integer.

// This program will calculate the highest and the lowest,
// variable out of a set of numbers. Also, it is going to give
// the sum and the average out of this set.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int number, average, amount, sum;
    int variables = 0;

    cout << " What is the amount of numbers that you want to sum ? ";
    cin >> amount;

        cout << "Enter the following number until you move into the next step: ";
        cin >> number;

        sum += (number + number) / 2;
        average = ( sum / amount);

    } while (amount > variables);

    if ()
        cout << " The largest number that you entered was " << number << endl;

    cout << " The amount of numbers that you decide to add was " << amount << endl;

    cout << " The total sum of all the numbers that you entered is " << sum << endl;

    cout << " The average of the numbers that you entered is " << average << endl;

    return 0;

Write a C++ program that will first ask the user how many numbers they want to enter. Then, the program should allow the user to enter those numbers. Once all numbers are entered, the program should report the sum of all of the numbers, the average of all of the numbers, and the highest and lowest of all of the numbers that were entered.

I'm having a trouble with the last part, finding the lowest and highest value and I would like to get some help.