Deep Learning Frameworks Comparison

In the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence, developers are often confused when choosing the right deep learning framework. Whether it’s TensorFlow’s extensive documentation, backed by the power of the Google Brain Team, or PyTorch’s dynamic computational graph, courtesy of Facebook’s AI Research lab, the choice is seldom straightforward. Some frameworks shine in semantic segmentation, while others are GPU benchmark tests. An expedition will take us through the complexities of TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Caffe, and the Microsoft cognitive toolkit. We’ll explore speed comparisons, delve into open-source contributions, and even present a handy comparison table for quick insights. As we navigate this landscape, remember that the best tool often aligns with one’s needs rather than the consensus. Let’s get started with this comparison analysis guide designed for developers that want to optimize their AI projects.


In the grand arena of deep learning and artificial intelligence, TensorFlow stands tall, bearing the legacy of its creators, the illustrious Google Brain Team. At its heart, TensorFlow isn’t just about tensor operations; it’s about enabling developers with a versatile canvas where core concepts translate to tangible AI applications.

Hiring Full-Stack Developers? 6 Skills To Look For in 2022

A full-stack developer capable of building both frontend and backend of the app projects offers an overwhelming range of benefits. Taking responsibility for the project from start to finish, they also ensure full accountability for the project outcome.

In this article, we will explain the most demanded technology stacks or skills that you need to look for in full-stack developers. But before that, let us briefly look at the key reasons to hire full-stack developers:

CX vs UX: What’s the Difference?

The terms UX and CX are often used interchangeably because the meaning of these business concepts are quite enmeshed with another, so much so that it is difficult for software and app developers to see where the differentiating line is.

Having analyzed high-performing organizations, what I have realized is that these organizations have defined UX and CX very clearly for themselves, along with developing and deploying UX and CX teams efficiently.

I believe in solving surface conflicts organically, and it is necessary to go to the roots of its origin. So, to understand user experience and customer experience and the difference between them, if there is any, we will have to go deeper into the etymological history of both these concepts.

Forget all the definitions that you have for UX and CX until now, as many definitions are passed down by industry leaders with half-information and only for convenience-sake.

It is important to note that both these terms have their origins at the same time. It was a time when the West saw a lot of revolutionary movements. This was the 1960s, the time when the hippie movement started on the beaches of California, the birth control pill was invented, and women flooded the gates of modern workplaces.

Etymological History of Customer Experience (CX)

The term customer experience can be associated with hyper-advertising — Mad Men era. The time when the business moved onto the power of words and design to market and sell products and services, print media was filled with ads, and copywriters were most sought after.