How Bitset Enables the Versatility of Vector Search

Various new essential features of a vector database are provided together with the release of Milvus 2.0. Among the new features, Time Travel, attribute filtering, and delete operations are correlated as these three features are achieved by one common mechanism: bitset.

Therefore, this article aims to clarify the concept of bitset in Milvus and explain how it works to support delete operations, Time Travel, and attribute filtering with three examples.

Building a Vector Database for Scalable Similarity Search

According to statistics, about 80%-90% of the world's data is unstructured. Fueled by the rapid growth of the Internet, an explosion of unstructured data is expected in the coming years. Consequently, companies are in urgent need of a powerful database that can help them better handle and understand such kinds of data. However, developing a database is always easier said than done. This article aims to share the thinking process and design principles of building Milvus, an open-source, cloud-native vector database for scalable similarity search. This article also explains the Milvus architecture in detail.

Unstructured Data Requires a Complete Basic Software Stack

As the Internet grew and evolved, unstructured data became more and more common, including emails, papers, IoT sensor data, Facebook photos, protein structures, and much more. For computers to understand and process unstructured data, these are converted into vectors using embedding techniques.

Manage Your Milvus Vector Database With One-Click Simplicity

Zilliz has been a pioneer who dedicated itself to enabling users in the face of a rapidly growing demand for unstructured data processing. Zilliz has now open-sourced a graphical user interface, Attu, specifically for Milvus 2.0, an AI-oriented vector database system designed for massive production scenarios. In this article, we would like to show you step by step how to perform a vector similarity search with Attu and Milvus 2.0.

Attu (/ ˈætu /) is an island on the west edge of the Aleutian Islands. This uninhabited realm symbolizes an adventurous spirit.

In comparison with Milvus CLI, which brings the uttermost simplicity of usage, Attu features more:

What Is a Vector Database?

In this introductory article, we’ll introduce concepts related to the vector database, a new type of technology designed to store, manage, and search embedding vectors. Vector databases are being used in an increasingly large number of applications, including but not limited to image search, recommender system, text understanding, video summarization, drug discovery, stock market analysis, and much more.

Relational Is Not Enough

Data is everywhere. In the early days of the internet, data was mostly structured, and could easily be stored and managed in relational databases. Take, for example, a book database:

Get Started With Milvus_CLI

In the age of information explosion, we are producing voice, images, videos, and other unstructured data all the time. How do we efficiently analyze this massive amount of data? The emergence of neural networks enables unstructured data to be embedded as vectors, and the Milvus database is a basic data service software, which helps complete the storage, search, and analysis of vector data.

But how can we use the Milvus vector database quickly?

How Milvus Balances Query Load Across Nodes

In previous blog articles, we have successively introduced the deletion, bitset, and compaction functions in Milvus 2.0. To culminate this series, we would like to share the design behind load balance, a vital function in the distributed cluster of Milvus.


Milvus 2.0 supports automatic load balance by default. But you can still trigger load balance manually. Please note that only sealed segments can be transferred across query nodes.

Milvus 2.0: A Glimpse at New Features

It has been half a year since the first release candidate of Milvus 2.0. Now we are proud to announce the general availability of the Milvus 2.0. Please follow me step by step to catch a glimpse at some of the new features that Milvus supports.

Entity Deletion

Milvus 2.0 supports entity deletion, allowing users to delete vectors based on the primary keys (IDs) of the vectors. They won't be worried about expired or invalid data anymore. Let's try it.

How Milvus Deletes Streaming Data in a Distributed Cluster

Featuring unified batch-and-stream processing and cloud-native architecture, Milvus 2.0 poses a greater challenge than its predecessor did during the development of the DELETE function. Thanks to its advanced storage-computation disaggregation design and the flexible publication/subscription mechanism, we are proud to announce that we made it happen. In Milvus 2.0, you can delete an entity in a given collection with its primary key so that the deleted entity will no longer be listed in the result of a search or a query.

Please note that the DELETE operation in Milvus refers to logical deletion, whereas physical data cleanup occurs during the Data Compaction. Logical deletion not only greatly boosts the search performance constrained by the I/O speed, but also facilitates data recovery. Logically deleted data can still be retrieved with the help of the Time Travel function.

Milvus in IP Protection: Building a Trademark Similarity Search System With Milvus

In recent years, the issue of IP protection has come under the limelight as people's awareness of IP infringement is ever-increasing. Most notably, the multi-national technology giant Apple Inc. has been actively filing lawsuits against various companies for IP infringement, including trademark, patent, and design infringement. Apart from those most notorious cases, Apple Inc. also disputed a trademark application by Woolworths Limited, an Australian supermarket chain, on the grounds of trademark infringement in 2009.  Apple. Inc argued that the logo of the Australian brand, a stylized "w", resembles their own logo of an apple. Therefore, Apple Inc. took objection to the range of products, including electronic devices, that Woolworths applied to sell with the logo. The story ends with Woolworths amending its logo and Apple withdrawing its opposition. 

With the ever-increasing awareness of brand culture, companies are keeping a closer eye on any threats that will harm their intellectual properties (IP) rights. IP infringement includes:

  • Copyright infringement
  • Patent infringement
  • Trademark infringement
  • Design infringement
  • Cybersquatting
The aforementioned dispute between Apple and Woolworths is mainly over trademark infringement, precisely the similarity between the trademark images of the two entities. To refrain from becoming another Woolworths, an exhaustive trademark similarity search is a crucial step for applicants both prior to the filing as well as during the review of trademark applications. The most common resort is through a search on the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database that contains all of the active and inactive trademark registrations and applications. Despite the not-so-charming UI, this search process is also deeply flawed by its text-based nature as it relies on words and Trademark Design codes (which are hand-annotated labels of design features) to search for images.

The text-based trademark search options offered by the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS).

This article thereby intends to showcase how to build an efficient image-based trademark similarity search system using Milvus, an open-source vector database.

A Vector Similarity Search System for Trademarks

To build a vector similarity search system for trademarks, you need to go through the following steps:
  • Prepare a massive dataset of logos. Likely, the system can use a dataset like this.
  • Train an image feature extraction model using the dataset and data-driven models or AI algorithms.
  • Convert logos into vectors using the trained model or algorithm in Step 2.
  • Store the vectors and conduct vector similarity searches in Milvus, the open-source vector database.
The workflow of a vector similarity search system for trademarks.
To accelerate the process of feature extraction, you can deploy the trained AI model on multiple servers. However, you do not have to worry about data inconsistency if you use distributed service to process data because you can use Flask to ensure synchronized data processing.

When the system is built, your user only needs to upload an image of a logo, and then the system converts this new image into a new vector using the same AI model you trained. The system searches for similar vectors to the new vector in the Milvus database and returns the corresponding vector IDs. Ultimately, your user will be able to see all the results of similar logos to the one he or she has uploaded. The following screenshot is a demonstration of a vector similarity search system for trademarks. As you can see, the user uploaded the logo, the swoosh, of the sportswear brand Nike. The system returns all images that are similar to this logo.

In the following sections, let's take a closer look at the two major steps in building a vector similarity search system for trademarks: using AI models for image feature extraction, and using Milvus for vector similarity search. In our case, we used VGG16, a convolutional neural network (CNN), to extract image features and convert them into embedding vectors.

Using VGG16 For Image Feature Extraction

Why Choose FastAPI over Flask?

Article Image To help you quickly get started with Milvus, the open-source vector database, we released another affiliated open-source project, Milvus Bootcamp on GitHub. The Milvus Bootcamp not only provides scripts and data for benchmark tests, but also includes projects that use Milvus to build some MVPs (minimum viable products), such as a reverse image search system, a video analysis system, a QA chatbot, or a recommender system. You can learn how to apply vector similarity search in a world full of unstructured data and get some hands-on experience in Milvus Bootcamp.

We provide both front-end and back-end services for the projects in Milvus Bootcamp. However, we have recently made the decision to change the adopted web framework from Flask to FastAPI. This article aims to explain our motivation behind such a change in the adopted web framework for Milvus Bootcamp by clarifying why we chose FastAPI over Flask.

Web Frameworks for Python

A web framework refers to a collection of packages or modules. It is a set of software architecture for web development that allows you to write web applications or services and saves you the trouble of handling low-level details such as protocols, sockets, or process/thread management. Using a web framework can significantly reduce the workload of developing web applications as you can simply "plugin" your code into the framework, with no extra attention needed when dealing with data caching, database access, and data security verification. For more information about what a web framework for Python is, see Web Frameworks.  

There are various types of Python web frameworks. The mainstream ones include Django, Flask, Tornado, and FastAPI.
  • Flask

Flask is a lightweight micro-framework designed for Python, with a simple and easy-to-use core that allows you to develop your own web applications. In addition, the Flask core is also extensible. Therefore, Flask supports an on-demand extension of different functions to meet your personalized needs during web application development. This is to say, with a library of various plug-ins in Flask, you can develop powerful websites.

Flask has the following characteristics:

  1. Flask is a microframework that does not rely on other specific tools or components of third-party libraries to provide shared functionalities. Flask does not have a database abstraction layer and does not require form validation. However, Flask is highly extensible and supports adding application functionality in a way similar to implementations within Flask itself. Relevant extensions include object-relational mappers, form validation, upload processing, open authentication technologies, and some common tools designed for web frameworks.
  2. Flask is a web application framework based on WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface). WSGI is a simple interface connecting a web server with a web application or framework defined for the Python language.
  3. Flask includes two core function libraries, Werkzeug and Jinja2. Werkzeug is a WSGI toolkit that implements request, response objects, and practical functions, which allows you to build web frameworks on top of it. Jinja2 is a popular full-featured templating engine for Python. It has full support for Unicode, with an optional but widely-adopted integrated sandbox execution environment.
  • FastAPI

FastAPI is a modern Python web application framework that has the same level of high performance as Go and NodeJS. The core of FastAPI is based on Starlette and Pydantic. Starlette is a lightweight ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) framework toolkit for building high-performance Asyncio services. Pydantic is a library that defines data validation, serialization, and documentation based on Python-type hints.

FastAPI has the following characteristics:

Audio Retrieval Based on Milvus

Sound is an information-dense data type. Although it may feel antiquated in the era of video content, audio remains a primary information source for many people. Despite long-term decline in listeners, 83% of Americans ages 12 or older listened to terrestrial (AM/FM) radio in a given week in 2020 (down from 89% in 2019). Conversely, online audio has seen a steady rise in listeners over the past two decades, with 62% of Americans reportedly listening to some form of it on a weekly basis according to the same Pew Research Center study.

As a wave, sound includes four properties: frequency, amplitude, waveform, and duration. In musical terminology, these are called pitch, dynamics, tone, and duration. Sounds also help humans and other animals perceive and understand our environment, providing context clues for the location and movement of objects in our surroundings.

Building an Intelligent News Recommendation System Inside Sohu News App

With 71% of Americans getting their news recommendations from social platforms, personalized content has quickly become how new media is discovered. Whether people are searching for specific topics or interacting with recommended content, everything users see is optimized by algorithms to improve click-through rates (CTR), engagement, and relevance. Sohu is a NASDAQ-listed Chinese online media, video, search, and gaming group. It leveraged Milvus, an open-source vector database built by Zilliz, to build a semantic vector search engine inside its news app. This article explains how the company used user profiles to fine-tune personalized content recommendations over time, improving user experience and engagement.

Recommending Content Using Semantic Vector Search

Sohu News user profiles are built from browsing history and adjusted as users search for, and interact with, news content. Sohu’s recommender system uses semantic vector search to find relevant news articles. The system works by identifying a set of tags that are expected to be of interest to each user based on browsing history. It then quickly searches for relevant articles and sorts the results by popularity (measured by average CTR), before serving them to users.

Inside Milvus 1.1.0

Milvus is an ongoing open-source software (OSS) project focused on building the world's fastest and most reliable vector database. New features inside Milvus v1.1.0 are the first of many updates to come, thanks to long-term support from the open-source community and sponsorship from Zilliz. This blog article covers the new features, improvements, and bug fixes included with Milvus v1.1.0.

New Features

Like any OSS project, Milvus is a perpetual work in progress. We strive to listen to our users and the open-source community to prioritize the features that matter most. The latest update, Milvus v1.1.0, offers the following new features:

Detecting Viruses in Real-Time at Scale

Cybersecurity remains a persistent threat to both individuals and businesses, with data privacy concerns increasing for 86% of companies in 2020 and just 23% of consumers believing their personal data is very secure. As malware becomes steadily more omnipresent and sophisticated, a proactive approach to threat detection has become essential. Trend Micro is a global leader in hybrid cloud security, network defense, small business security, and endpoint security. To protect Android devices from viruses, the company built Trend Micro Mobile Security — a mobile app that compares APKs (Android Application Package) from the Google Play Store to a database of known malware. The virus detection system works as follows:

  • External APKs (Android application package) from the Google Play Store are crawled.
  • Known malware is converted into vectors and stored in Milvus.
  • New APKs are also converted into vectors, then compared to the malware database using similarity search.
  • If an APK vector is similar to any of the malware vectors, the app provides users with detailed information about the virus and its threat level.

To work, the system has to perform a highly efficient similarity search on massive vector datasets in real-time. Initially, Trend Micro used MySQL. However, as its business expanded so did the number of APKs with nefarious code stored in its database. The company’s algorithm team began searching for alternative vector similarity search solutions after quickly outgrowing MySQL.

Operationalize AI at Scale With Software 2.0, MLOps, and Milvus

Building machine learning (ML) applications is a complex and iterative process. As more companies realize the untapped potential of unstructured data, the demand for AI-powered data processing and analytics will continue to rise. Without effective machine learning operations, or MLOps, most ML application investments will wither on the vine. Research has found that as little as 5% of the AI adoptions companies plan to deploy actually reach deployment. Many organizations incur "model debt," where changes in market conditions, and failure to adapt to them, result in unrealized investments in models that linger unrefreshed (or worse, never get deployed at all).

This article explains MLOps, a systemic approach to AI model life cycle management, and how the open-source vector data management platform Milvus can be used to operationalize AI at scale.

Graph-Based Recommendation System With Milvus


A recommendation system (RS) can identify user preferences based on their historical data and suggest products or items to them accordingly. Companies will enjoy considerable economic benefits from a well-designed recommendation system.

There are three elements in a complete set of recommendation systems: user model, object model, and the core element—recommendation algorithm. Currently, established algorithms include collaborative filtering, implicit semantic modeling, graph-based modeling, combined recommendation, and more. In this article, we will provide some brief instructions on how to use Milvus to build a graph-based recommendation system.