Use of JavaScript In Online Games

Do you know which programming language was used to develop your favorite online game? Many people will immediately think about HTML5 and C++, and they are actually right. These are the most common options. But what about JavaScript?

JS is considered to be the most popular and well-known programming language in the modern world. Its popularity is caused by a number of reasons, including user-friendly code and versatility. Indeed, JavaScript can also be an excellent helper when developing online games. Its scripts make it possible to easily combine JS codes with HTML5 and CSS, thereby creating excellent cross-platform applications.

Which Cryptocurrencies Will Survive in 2019?

2018 was a tough year for the whole cryptocurrency industry. The key players experienced their record highs and lows; struggled in the bearish market; and suffered from hacks and forks. The market ended up with a significant fall in crypto prices and overall capitalization, which decreased from $604 billion to $130 billion in a year! This dramatic drop has brought a new wave of skeptic voices telling stories about bubbles and the upcoming crash of the entire ecosystem. However, it’s 2019 and cryptocurrency is still here, alive. So, what’s next?

Disclaimer: this article doesn’t include exact predictions as the cryptocurrency industry is highly volatile and unregulated. So, don’t consider the following information investment advice.