API News Roundup: June 2019

June is here, and it's hot! Not just high temperatures; it's been a hot month for API news. We are not taking a summer vacation from our API news roundup. In fact, this month we have a special new section about API news in banking. So sit back, sip a cool drink, and enjoy this summary of the latest API news stories.

Facebook's API Shows How It Shares Ad Data

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Streamdata.io Joins the Axway Family

Axway CEO Patrick Donovan announced the purchase of Streamdata.io. at this week's IMAGINE SUMMIT in Chantilly, France. The acquisition drives additional value for customers adopting Axway's hybrid integration platform AMPLIFY™ by providing streaming or event-driven API support, enabling users to receive real-time data where and when they need it.

First, let's talk a little more about who is Streamdata.io. This French start-up helps organizations discover the value of their data by leveraging event-driven infrastructure. With over eight years of experience and research in API management, Streamdata.io provides clients and partners greater insight through the entire lifecycle.