Using Junction or Associative Tables in Entity Framework Core

When I first encountered Entity Framework (EF), I always gravitated towards a database-first option. Back when Entity Framework appeared, there wasn't a code-first option.

My thinking towards this approach was your database holds the data. If your database wasn't designed properly from the start, and you generate your entities based on the database design, your code (entities) may suffer.

Enums With Class Features

Enums are great for storing constants, but they lack strong-typing because you can't create an instance of them. I want the best of both worlds. I want my switch statements to work off constants like enums. I want to pass these constants in a strongly-typed container.

While switch statements are often seen as a code smell, there are still plenty of situations where they make sense. Other enum alternatives have been posted by Steve Smith (Ardalis) and Jimmy Bogard (Los Techies) that are coming to a similar solution.

Why Developers Love Visual Studio

About a month ago, I was asked by a fellow developer why developers love Visual Studio and not any of the other IDEs like Visual Studio Code, WebStorm, or Rider? He mentioned that Visual Studio Code should be enough for anybody and added that Visual Studio has become bloated over the years of development.

While I do have copies of Visual Studio Code, WebStorm, and Rider in my possession, I somehow keep coming back to Visual Studio (currently 2019). Today, I wanted to analyze why developers (myself included) keep coming back to Visual Studio and share why developers love it so much.

7 Reasons Why Unit Tests Are Valuable

With the latest cross-cutting concerns podcast, Matt and I discuss the StackOverflow Developer Survey 2019 results. In the podcast, I mentioned how developers said companies don't implement unit testing but that developers see the value of it.

This is good news for the industry: developers see value in unit tests. This survey is proof of that, but there are some developers who still may not see it. So, I thought this would be a great time to list the various reasons why unit tests have a lot of value to developers.

Advanced Basics: Bootstrap 4 With ASP.NET Core TagHelpers

The title of this post, Advanced Basics, takes the basics and fundamental concepts of what a developer has learned, whether it be a technique or library, and extends it exponentially to advance it to be something more efficient and useful for future projects.

We kick this post off by combining some Bootstrap with ASP .NET Core TagHelper goodness to provide a worthy post (maybe even a series? See below for more).