Newly graduated CS major facing adversity in finding employment

Uh. Hi! I am sort of new here. I post maybe once in a blue moon. This place is honestly 100x better than StackOverflow.

Anyway. I won't post my entire resume here but I will post relevant details. Graduated two years ago, currently underemployed, but happy. No internships.

My first real concern is... are the skills on it too granular? I've listed experience with use cases, UML and sequence diagramming...and while studying SWE UML online (today) to fill in gaps in my knowledge I've come to learn that use case and sequence diagramming are subsets of UML. Plus I learned that there's some large gaps in my knowledge. To my defense, some of these were never covered in my university classes.

Excerpt from my resume regarding skills in SWE:

Software Engineering: Learned about agile software development, practiced functional/non-functional requirements, use cases, unit/integration/regression automated software testing, and object oriented design, UML & sequence diagramming.

I will follow up here if I have more questions or concerns.

At my wits end… I think I’m being targetted.

So I've been plagued by things like this for almost three years now.

Anything I do online. If its related to money or employment, I cannot do it. Why? Because of things like these (screenshots).

Lets see if I can explain whats going on.

Anything employment related inevitably fails.

I did doordash for about 8 months into 2020. Until I shut down my account and when I called the company they told me there was no way that I could have done that. I tried desperately to restart working for them but I could never login nor reset my credentials. Emails for credential resets didn't arrive, ever.

When I tried to sign up for uber the same thing happened. That was prior to Doordash being bought out by Uber. I've tried many other options and I just can't do anything because it all online and this stupid technical problem keeps rearing its hideous head!!! I know I'm not crazy!!

For a time I could not even login to my Navient student loans portal, and that was terrifying considering I hadn't gone into repayment yet having not yet graduated.

The most curious part is that this occurs across multiple devices. My phone. My two computers. Anything I log into with my personal accounts. Myself being geek with a CS degree I dont understand it. I want to say that some nation state hacker is getting its tendrils in my devices, but that is insane! I dont understand why I would be a target. I really don't. But its the only explanation I can think of, because apparently I am the only person on this entire planet experiencing this.

I'm seeing variations of this problem start to reoccur and its infuriating! Here's a link to my YT showcasing the problem.

If someone could shed some friggin light on this I would be very appreciative. I don't know whats causing this but it has got to stop!!

How to enforce that a game developer’s code is compatible with mine?

I need to know if there's a way (my intution tells me there isn't a fits-all solution) to accomplish this. I have in mind a Unity asset that I want to create. This asset requires that all of the developers scripts send and receive messages from my asset framework. Its important that the developer be able to just build their game without having to go explicitly inherit from my interfaces or abstract classes.

Is there a way to do this? Obviously I cannot know ahead of time what a game developer might create so they will have to implement their own implementations of said interfaces and such I was just thinking it would be great if this could be done easily...