Demystifying SPF Record Limitations

Communication is the hallmark of processes between governments, organizations, and individuals; there is a potent need to know what goes around; email is one of the cheapest means of communicating globally today. Cybercriminals know that many people utilize email platforms for communication and leverage this knowledge for email phishing attacks.

An unnerving report in 2019 says that 99% of cyberattacks use some form of social engineering, such as phishing emails, to access sensitive information. Usually, an email passes through the sender host’s server to the recipient server; there should be a measure to determine if the email is from an authorized IP address sender or a phishing campaign. 

What Developers Need to Know About the Price Checker App

Mobile apps and tools have become an integral part of our daily activities; the apps and tools development industry is steadily becoming very lucrative. Developers leave no stone unturned to ensure governments, organizations, and individuals conduct less stressful transactions.

According to Statista, the number of mobile devices worldwide should hit 18.22 billion in 2025; the statistics show that more people are reverting to mobile devices and will need relevant tools to carry out their daily routines. One critical area people need tools for is making their purchases, as most purchases are online.

Enhancing Web Accessibility For All in 2023

Web accessibility has become an all-time important factor in how individuals and organizations operate; more than ever before, everyone in the globe should be able to access and interact with websites on the World Wide Web. There is an urgent need to remove all barriers without considering if people have situational disabilities, physical disabilities, socioeconomic restrictions on bandwidth and speed, and other forms of impairments.

The WHO reports that as of December 2022, approximately 1.3 billion people, representing one in six of the global population, experience significant disabilities. Disabilities may vary among individuals; some forms of disabilities may be mild while others are of high potency; web accessibility should be relatively easy for everyone.

How to Use IP Addresses for Data Protection and Privacy

It is a common practice for public and private organizations to depend on their IT teams to secure data; while there is nothing wrong with the idea, it is not enough. With more people operating remotely and the number of global data breaches jumping by 273% in the first quarter of 2020, the IT team cannot take on the task of overseeing data protection efficiently alone as we move on.

Even individuals who may not be part of any organization need to secure their data and ensure their privacy; this has become critical in the face of the heightened activities of cybercriminals. The prediction by Gartner Inc. that global security spending will hit $170 billion by 2022 indicates that cybercriminals are not relenting in their nefarious activities.

How to Enable Big Data Best Practices

Why do you need Big Data best practices? Whether it’s government, private organizations, military, healthcare, or agencies such as NASA, there is no better option to meet analytics needs, increase productivity, and become more efficient. 

Big Data has become the fulcrum on which organizations of all sizes and shapes revolve for quite some time now. The integration of analytics tools and Big Data management has been the hallmark of transformational technologies organizations are adopting.