Five Different Ways to Build AWS Infrastructure

AWS cloud architecture solutions require infrastructure to run your platform solutions. Infrastructure includes compute technologies, databases, queues, and more. Each needs to be specified and built before turning on your platform solution. 

There are many different ways you can choose to build your AWS infrastructure. Each method has its benefits and drawbacks that should be known before choosing how to create your production platform.

How Do You Test Your Tests

Software today has shifted far from the monoliths of the past towards microservices. Microservices have many benefits over monoliths. They are more flexible, scalable and generally enable developers to add features more quickly. Unfortunately, testing cloud platform microservices is more complicated than it was in the monolithic ancestors. 

For cloud services, functional, integration, and unit tests are performed by creating a lower-level version of your function and plugging in inputs. The outputs from the function can show how your logic and infrastructure performed during the test. 

How to Optimize AWS Observability Tools

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a powerhouse cloud computing service allowing companies to produce computational functionality. They enable developers to quickly create serverless functions, which quickly delivers new features to consumers without scaling up infrastructure, taking both time and cost. The downside to this speed is that tracking and observing these functions’ health issues can be difficult, especially when running microservices. AWS provides several tools to assist developers in understanding their system’s health and are in the process of delivering new tools as well.

Observability With AWS CloudWatch

CloudWatch is AWS’s monitoring and insight service. Developers use CloudWatch to collect logs from compute functions and track performance information for many AWS services. Using this data, CloudWatch can create insights on which developers can develop alarms or insights. Using the combination of these tools, developers can create AWS observability tools that meet their needs.