Azure Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow


Azure provides ROPC (Resource Owner Password Credentials) flow where the Application exchanges user credentials for accessToken and refresh token. There are a few important points to consider when planning to use ROPC flow.

1. This flow doesn't work with federated IDPs like Facebook, GitHub, Microsoft, etc., and works with local accounts only.

Spring security using OAuth2 with Microsoft AzureAD B2C


Microsoft Azure provides the capability to integrate social-logins in the application by using AzureAD B2C. The good thing about that is you’ll have a single Authorization server (Azure) and different IDP like Google, Facebook, GitHub, or any custom IDP.

To achieve this we need to create 1 B2C tenant and configure App Registration, IDP, and create UserFlow. The below video tutorial covers all these steps and guide you on how to integrate Azure B2C with spring security.