Kubeflow Fundamentals Part 6: Working With Jupyter Lab Notebooks

Welcome to the sixth blog post in our “Kubeflow Fundamentals” series specifically designed for folks brand new to the Kubelfow project. The aim of the series is to walk you through a detailed introduction of Kubeflow, a deep-dive into the various components, add-ons, and how they all come together to deliver a complete MLOps platform.

If you missed the previous installments in the “Kubeflow Fundamentals” series, you can find them here:

Kubeflow Fundamentals Part 4: External Add-ons

Welcome to the fourth blog post in our “Kubeflow Fundamentals” series specifically designed for folks brand new to the Kubelfow project. The aim of the series is to walk you through a detailed introduction of Kubeflow, a deep-dive into the various components, add-ons, and how they all come together to deliver a complete MLOps platform.

If you missed the previous installments in the “Kubeflow Fundamentals” series, you can find them here:

Kubeflow Fundamentals Part 3: Distributions and Installations

Welcome to the third blog post in our “Kubeflow Fundamentals” series specifically designed for folks brand new to the Kubelfow project. The aim of the series is to walk you through a detailed introduction of Kubeflow, a deep-dive into the various components, and how they all come together to deliver a complete MLOps platform.

If you missed the previous installments in the “Kubeflow Fundamentals” series, you can find them here:

Getting Started With IntelliJ IDEA and Distributed SQL

IntelliJ IDEA is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) written in Java for developing software. It is developed by JetBrains and is available as an Apache 2 licensed community edition and in a proprietary commercial edition. IntelliJ supports a variety of datasources within their IDE. Because YugabyteDB is PostgreSQL compatible, most third-party tools and apps will work “out of the box.” IntelliJ is no exception here.

In this blog post we’ll walk you though the following steps:

Getting Started With Longhorn Distributed Block Storage and Cloud Native Distributed SQL

Longhorn is cloud native distributed block storage for Kubernetes that is easy to deploy and upgrade, 100 percent open source, and persistent.  Longhorn’s built-in incremental snapshot and backup features keep volume data safe, while its intuitive UI makes scheduling backups of persistent volumes easy to manage. Using Longhorn, you get maximum granularity and control, and can easily create a disaster recovery volume in another Kubernetes cluster and fail over to it in the event of an emergency.

Cloud Native Infrastructure Stack: Computing, deployment, administration, storage and database.

Distributed SQL Change Management With Liquibase and YugabyteDB on GKE

Liquibase is an open source and extensible change management project that supports a variety of databases including Snowflake, MySQL, and PostgreSQL via JDBC. Liquibase allows users to easily define changes in SQL, XML, JSON, and YAML. These changes are then managed in a version control system so the changes can be documented, ordered, and standardized. For more information on the features and benefits of Liquibase, check out their documentation site.

In this blog post we’ll show you how to:

Getting Started With Distributed SQL on Azure Kubernetes Service

Microsoft’s Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) offers a highly available, secure, and fully managed Kubernetes service for developers looking to host their applications on containers in the cloud. AKS features elastic provisioning, an integrated developer experience for rapid application development, enterprise security features, and the most available regions of any cloud provider.

YugabyteDB is a natural fit for AKS because it was designed to support cloud native environments since its initial design.

Getting Started With OpenEBS and Cloud-Native Distributed SQL

OpenEBS is a CNCF project that provides cloud-native, open source container attached storage (CAS). OpenEBS delivers persistent block storage and other capabilities such as integrated back-up, management of local and cloud disks, and more. For enterprise cloud-native applications, OpenEBS provides storage functionality that is idiomatic with cloud-native development environments, with granular storage policies and isolation that enable cloud developers and architects to optimize storage for specific workloads.

Because YugabyteDB is a cloud-native, distributed SQL database that runs in Kubernetes environments, it can interoperate with OpenEBS and many other CNCF projects.

Getting Started With DbSchema on a Distributed SQL Database

If you’re a database developer, you know the time-saving value of being able to visually design, document and query SQL and NoSQL databases from a single UI. DbSchema is a well-rounded, visual database tool that supports over 40 databases from a single interface. And because YugabyteDB is PostgreSQL compatible, getting DBSchema to work with a distributed SQL database is relatively simple.

In this post, we’ll show you how to get DbSchema connected to a YugabyteDB cluster so you can start reverse-engineering schemas, edit ER diagrams, browse data, visually build queries and even sync schemas.

Getting Started With PostgreSQL’s Row Level Security in YugabyteDB

Get Started With PostgreSQL’s Row Level Security in YugabyteDB

In this blog post, we are going to introduce you to how PostgreSQL’s row level security feature works in the latest YugabyteDB 2.0.6 release. YugabyteDB supports RLS and a host of other security and encryption features “out-of-the-box,” as part of the open source distribution.

What Is Row Level Security?

Originally introduced in PostgreSQL 9.5, Row Level Security, or "RLS," allows a DBA to set policies that restrict users from viewing or manipulating specific rows of data in a table. Depending on your use case, this can be especially useful in blocking access to especially sensitive records, like customer or financial data. This might be prompted by legal, liability or compliance concerns. As you might expect, RLS is a feature that you’ll also find in other enterprise RDBMSs like SQL Server and Oracle.

Testing PostgreSQL Compatibility in Yugabyte DB 2.0

Testing PostgreSQL compatibility in Yugabyte DB

The team at Yugabyte and members of the community were excited to announce the general availability of Yugbyte 2.0 this week. One of the flagship features of this 100% open source release was the production readiness of the PostgreSQL compatible YugaByte SQL API (YSQL).

You might also like:  The Northwind PostgreSQL Sample Database Running on a Distributed SQL Database

How-To: The PGExercises PostgreSQL Tutorial Running on a Distributed SQL Database

PgExercises is a sample dataset used to power the PostgreSQL Exercises website. The site is comprised of over 80 exercises designed to be used as a companion to the official PostgreSQL documentation. The exercises on the PGExercises site range from simple SELECT statements and WHERE clauses, through JOINs and CASE statements, then on to aggregations, window functions, and recursive queries.

The dataset consists of 3 tables (members, bookings, and facilities) and table relationships as shown in the ER diagram below:

The Northwind PostgreSQL Sample Database Running on a Distributed SQL Database

The Northwind database is a sample database that was originally created by Microsoft and used as the basis for their tutorials in a variety of database products for decades. The Northwind database contains the sales data for a fictitious company called “Northwind Traders,” which imports and exports specialty foods from around the world. The Northwind database is an excellent tutorial schema for a small-business ERP, with customers, orders, inventory, purchasing, suppliers, shipping, employees, and single-entry accounting. The Northwind database has since been ported to a variety of non-Microsoft databases including PostgreSQL.

In this post, we are going to walk you through how to download and install the PostgreSQL-compatible version of Northwind on the YugaByte DB distributed SQL database.