Appsec’s Agile Problem

Agile development has a serious Appsec problem. Most Agile development teams suck at building secure software.

But one of the reasons for this is that Appsec has a serious Agile problem. Most security experts don’t understand Agile development and haven’t come to terms with the way the way that Agile teams design and build software; with the way that Agile teams think and work; and especially with the speed at which Agile teams deliver software and make decisions.

Appsec and Technical Debt

Technical debt is a fact of life for anyone working in software development: work that needs to be done to make the system cleaner and simpler and cheaper to run over the long term, but that the business doesn't know about or doesn't see as a priority. This is because technical debt is mostly hidden from the people that use the system: the system works ok, even if there are shortcuts in design that make the system harder for developers to understand and change than it should be; or code that’s hard to read or that has been copied too many times; maybe some bugs that the customers don’t know about and that the development team is betting they won’t have to fix; and the platform has fallen behind on patches.

It’s the same for most application security vulnerabilities. The system runs fine, customers can’t see anything wrong, but there’s something missing or not-quite-right under the hood, and bad things might happen if these problems aren't taken care of in time.

Agile – What’s a Manager to Do?

Agile - What’s a Manager to Do?

As a manager, when I first started learning about Agile development, I was confused by the fuzzy way that Agile teams and projects are managed (or manage themselves), and frustrated and disappointed by the negative attitude towards managers and management in general.

Attempts to reconcile project management and Agile haven't answered these concerns. The PMI-ACP does a good job of making sure that you understand Agile principles and methods (mostly Scrum and XP with some Kanban and Lean), but is surprisingly vague about what an Agile project manager is or does. Even a book like the Software Project Manager’s Bridge to Agility, intended to help bridge PMI's project management practices and Agile, fails to come up with a meaningful job for managers or project managers in an Agile world.