What Is an SDK? Examples, Use Cases, and Characteristics

SDKs are everywhere, and help developers build software faster and easier. In this article, I take a look at some examples of a few SDKs, and talk through the use cases and characteristics of a good SDK.

What Is a Software Development Kit (SDK)?

We cover this a lot in one of our other articles — how to build an SDK from scratch — but essentially, Software Development Kits (or SDKs) are code libraries containing an abstraction layer that makes it easier to interact with a piece of software or hardware using your preferred programming language, speeding up your application development process.

4 Best Practices for Your API Versioning Strategy

APIs need to change over time. Features are added, bugs are fixed, and changes are made. How can you introduce and track changes without breaking client applications? API versioning is the answer. By versioning your API, you work toward building a robust and scalable product.

What Is API Versioning?

Versioning an API is the process that allows tracking changes and managing the API's various iterations. Essentially, versioning allows you to create multiple API versions that that coexist but operate independently of each other. That way, new features can be added, updates can be made, and old features can be removed with minimal disruption of service to the user.

How To Write API Documentation: Best Practices & Examples

If you build APIs, you need to document them. After all, for your users to use your API, they need to know how to use it. A common phrase I like to use as someone who writes a lot of docs is "If it's not documented, it does not exist" - your users can only use a feature if they can discover not only that it exists, but also how to use it.

So what is API documentation? How should you write it? What should you include? What are the best practices? In this post, I'll answer all of these questions and more and give you some best practices for creating API documentation.

Avoiding Automation To Keep Your Job

Will technology, automation, or AI take our jobs? This is something we hear a lot at the moment - but it’s always been this way. Right back at the start of my career, I automated something that was canned the moment I left as folks were afraid of losing their job.

Some background to why I am writing this post. I was reading a tweet today from Michelle Bakels that was a cautionary tale from her enterprise days.

SDK Generation: The Key To Making Your APIs More Accessible

At liblab, we generate software development kits, or SDKs, for your APIs. But what do we mean by 'SDK generation,' and how does it work? This post explains everything you need to know about SDK generation and how it can help you make your APIs more accessible.

What Is SDK Generation?

Put simply, SDK generation is the process of automatically generating SDKs from an API specification. You have an API exposed using something like REST, and you want to make it easier for developers to access that REST API.