Build an RSS Reader for Windows Phone 7

In this lesson, I will create a simple RSS(Really Simple Syndication) Reader for Windows Phone 7. I will use Linq-To-XML for reading an RSS feed. The user interface will contain a Textbox to enter an URL of an RSS Feed and a ListBox element to display results.

Source code

Additional information

1. Creating a new project

First of all, you need to create a new project. To do so open Visual Studio 2010 -> File -> New Project -> select Windows Phone Application there as it is shown in the picture below.

Another Way of Passing Values Between Windows Phone 7 Pages

A View of Different Pages

If you are a Windows 7 phone owner, you may have noticed that your phone has different pages that you can engage with. This is intentional, of course, and allows for users of this phone to get access to exactly the information that they want at any time. 

Developers look at this as somewhat of a challenge. They need to figure out how they can keep certain bits of information from page to page while transferring other bits, and it is all about what they think their users will need to see from page to page.