Optimizing Relationships Between Entities in Hibernate

In this post, following the example project that you have here, I am going to explain how to optimize queries to a database using JPA.

You will see different types of queries explaining how to make connections between lazy and eager tables. The tables will be joined by a single field, by several and even by one, but adding a static condition.

Easy Access to Data With Spring REST Data

Spring Boot offers fantastic support for accessing data with JPA through the use of interfaces that extends to the repository. If we add to this the ease with which REST services are created, as explained in this entry, we can make an application that offers an API to access our preferred database very easily.

But if we want to implement HATEOAS in our project or if there are a lot of entry points in our API, we must write a lot of code. To solve this problem, Spring Boot offers the library Spring Data Rest. With it, we can write an API REST to access our database easily and without writing much code.

Redirecting HTTP Requests With Zuul in Spring Boot

Zuul is part of the Spring Cloud Netflix package and allows redirect REST requests to perform various types of filters.

In almost any project where we use microservices, it is desirable that all communications between those microservices go through a communal place so that the inputs and outputs are recorded and can implement security or redirect requests, depending on various parameters.