How IoT Tech Can Help Save The Fledgling Scooter Sharing Industry

Learn more about how IoT tech can help save the scooter-sharing industry.

Municipalities are taking back their streets and sidewalks with new rules that require companies to meet city compliance ordinances and data sharing standards. These new governmental regulations have forced many micro-mobility companies to take a closer look at their business and the systems that power it. 

While rapid deployment is still important, the most successful micro-mobility companies are now building flexible shared-mobility systems that are able to adapt to governmental regulations. The key IoT technologies that enable flexible mobility ecosystems will also enable new revenue streams and better overall customer experience.

How to Choose the Right IoT Platform: The Ultimate Checklist

Choosing the right IoT platform is a complex endeavor. Whether you’re an IoT hobbyist, experienced developer, or senior executive, the landscape is massive and confusing. This article aims to clear up some of the complexity and offer a quick and scannable guide of the IoT platform landscape. It also provides criteria for how you should evaluate IoT platforms based on your needs.

"We’re a cross-functional, fully-integrated, full-stack, serverless, hardware agnostic, AI, IoT platform that offers you infinite infrastructure . . ." said every confusing IoT platform website ever.

What Is an IoT Platform?

In the simplest terms, an IoT platform is an integrated service that offers you the things you need to bring physical objects online. It needs to be capable of supporting millions of simultaneous device connections and easily allow you to configure your devices for machine-to-machine communication.

The Ultimate IoT Hardware Comparison Guide

IoT hardware is at the heart of every connected project. As the Internet of Things has developed, the technical capabilities of these boards have only become more powerful. However, choosing the right IoT hardware for your project can be overwhelming due to the sheer number of development boards and modules in the space.

This article provides a quick overview of the main providers and development boards on the market. This article also explains what differentiates each dev kit by examining the development environment that comes with each board.

How to Choose the Right IoT Cloud Platform

So, you’re looking for an IoT cloud platform, but don’t know which to choose. Choosing the right vendor can be a complex endeavor because it is hard to determine what you actually need.

Fortunately, the purpose of this article is to help clear up some of the confusion by examining the fundamental features you need from an IoT cloud platform. This way, you know how to evaluate different platforms when comparing IoT cloud solutions. Let’s get started:

How to Choose the Right IoT Connectivity Protocol for Your Connected Device

Choosing the right IoT connectivity protocol for your device can feel pretty straight-forward. Most assume that Wi-Fi is best for indoor deployments, while cellular connectivity is best for outdoor deployments.

However, it’s not so black and white. Our team finds that customers underestimate the advantages and disadvantages for certain radio technologies. In some cases, we actually recommend cellular protocols to companies who are planning to deploy indoors. That’s because cellular IoT connectivity protocols can be easier to set up, provide better reliability, and allow the maker of the device to be in control of the data.