Best Adobe Lightroom Presets – Free & Paid

If you are a professional photographer, you must constantly be looking for ways to make your photographs appear trendy and polished. Using lightroom presets is one of the easiest ways to enhance the quality of your photographs and make them look professional instantly.

PHP: How to Add Expire Headers for External Scripts

Every website is using external JavaScript files. They are required for example when using Google Analytics, or an ad provider like BuySellAds. In order to leverage browser caching and optimize your website speed, it is recommended that you add expire headers to your scripts, which you can’t do on external files. In this article, I’ll […]

La Riviera Casino avis

Cosas Damagi Marketing Solutions LTD était à l’origine connu en France comme un opérateur de jeux basé à Curaçao, mais aujourd’hui la société est enregistrée à Chypre et détient une licence de jeux estonienne. L’un de ces nouveaux sites de jeux Damagi est La Riviera, que nous examinons aujourd’hui. Contrairement aux casinos Damagi précédents, celui-ci […]