Fixed Wireless: Taking Rural and Urban Connectivity To The Next Level

Five years ago, wireless ISP partners were roughly seven to eight miles on average away from their typical subscribers in rural areas. In the last three years of progress since then, wireless ISP partners say they're really between three to five miles from their subscribers in rural areas. This means they've been putting a concerted effort of getting closer to these subscribers to provide more serving points to get more capacity and more speed to the subscribe.

Those familiar with the fixed wireless business know that it is traditionally made up of backhaul equipment that delivers bandwidth at a low cost from data centers and tower locations into neighborhoods.

Make the Most of Your Migration To AWS Cloud


Businesses run workloads on the Cloud when planning new projects, most likely to do with innovation or doing something new. Typical first workloads that we see are web applications, often because of Amazon Web Services (AWS)'s scalability, which is impossible to have the same scalability on-prem. Usually, big companies' innovation teams are the first to use AWS because it's easier to experiment and much easier to launch new things.

In the last two or three years, Artificial Intelligence machine learning has risen as a popular workload. Very few companies today do AI/ML at scale on their environment. It's so much easier to do it on a platform like AWS because of all the data storage services you have and the pre-configured services at your disposal that are much easier to use and leverage than setting up your own tools and applications.