DesiredCapabilities in Selenium

It’s a huge challenge for QA engineers to roll out robust web-applications that provide a seamless user experience across a variety of devices. Considering a large number of devices and browsers in the market, QAs need to test web-applications in different environments to ensure they meet market requirements.

These environments include different mobile devices, web-browsers, emulators, or simulators. To use the desired environment, QAs use DesiredCapabilities in test automation frameworks like Selenium. This article aims to explain in detail what DesiredCapabilities is and how it helps QAs test web-apps for cross-browser compatibility testing across multiple devices and platforms.

How Responsiveness Is a Critical Part of the Design Thinking Process?

Learn more about the impact of responsiveness!

This short article will quickly enlighten viewers regarding the thought process or the stages that go behind the scenes before actually developing a website. Let's get started with the design thinking process.

What Is the Design Thinking Process?

The design thinking process can be defined as the thought process or the innovative ideas that web designers use to design a website before actually developing one. It's an iterative process wherein we constantly think from the end user's perspective for solving their problems instead of just concentrating on visual appeal. Design thinking focuses more on enhancing the user experience.

Upcoming Software Testing Trends in 2020

The projections are in! Check out these testing trends!

The software development landscape continues to evolve with DevOps and Agile development methods taking over traditional approaches. The advent of these methods has led to the innovation and use of new testing techniques. For QA professionals, it becomes crucial to quickly adapt to new changes in the testing domain so that they may become better testers and stay relevant to their industry.

How to Integrate and Test Push Notifications for Your Apps

Push notifications

This article will help you understand the importance of push notifications in mobile apps. It will also help you understand how to integrate and test push notifications for your applications.

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What Is a Push Notification?

Push Notifications are small automated messages or mobile alerts that pop up on mobile devices. These messages are sent by the application to a user irrespective of whether the user is active on the app. Push notifications are directly sent from the server whenever new content is uploaded. For example, a notification giving an update on a current crisis from a news app.

How to Enhance Security Measures on Your Web Browsers

Stop threats before they can start with these tips

Browsers are the primary point of access to the World Wide Web. Every time you access the Internet, your browsers are exposed to potential online attacks. Browsers often provide an easy way for unauthorized users or hackers to access your private data, trace your daily activities or access your system directly.

You may also like: Endpoint Security With Browser Security Plus.

Overview of Browser Security

Your browser is an entry point for all malware or suspicious activities. It also means that your browser is vulnerable to attacks. Hackers or malware producers identify various loopholes to exploit browser functionalities and sneak malware onto your system.