What Are the Benefits of Java Module With Example

The Java 9 release in 2017 saw the introduction of the Java Module System. This module system was developed directly for the Java language and is not to be confused with module systems such as IntelliJ Idea or Maven.

The module system helps to provide a more secure and structured approach to writing Java code by better-organizing components, thus preventing malicious or out-of-date code from being used. In this article, we will look at what exactly the Java Module System is and how it can benefit developers.

19 Most Common OpenSSL Commands for 2023

What Is OpenSSL Command?

OpenSSL is an open-source-based implementation of the SSL protocol, with versions available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It is a highly versatile tool used to create CSRs (Certificate Signing Requests) and Private Keys as well as compare an MD5 hash of different certificates or private keys; verify installed certificates on any website; and convert certificates into other formats. The most common OpenSSL commands are generating Certificate Signing Requests, verifying that a certificate is installed correctly on a website, comparing the MD5 hash of a certificate or private key with other versions, and converting certificates from one format to another.

The Most Common OpenSSL Commands

In this blog, we have mentioned some common OpenSSL commands used for different SSL management purposes. OpenSSL provides a wide range of options and parameters for each command, allowing users to manage their SSL infrastructure and fix their queries in no time.

15 Best Practices on API Security for Developers

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are used to connect software applications, allowing them to share data and functionality. APIs are an essential part of modern software development, enabling developers to create more powerful and complex applications. However, APIs can also pose a security risk if they are not properly secured. In this article, we will discuss API security and the best practices developers can use to secure their APIs.

Why Should Developers Prioritize API Security?

  • Protecting sensitive data: APIs often transmit and receive sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII), payment card details, and health records. A security breach can lead to data theft, fraud, and identity theft, causing significant harm to individuals and organizations.
  • Compliance and regulatory requirements: Many industries, such as finance, healthcare, and government, have strict regulatory requirements for data security and privacy. Developers must ensure that their APIs comply with these standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS, to avoid legal and financial penalties.
  • Reputation and brand image: A security breach can lead to negative publicity, loss of customer trust, and damage to the brand’s reputation. Consumers expect for their data to be secure when they use an organization’s services, and a security incident can quickly erode that trust.
  • Financial losses: Security incidents can result in financial losses due to data theft, fraud, and legal fees. Organizations can also incur costs associated with remediation and recovery efforts.
  • Cyber threats are on the rise: Cyber threats are evolving and becoming more sophisticated every day. Developers must stay vigilant and adopt best practices to prevent cyberattacks and data breaches.

15 Best Practices

Developing secure APIs is crucial for protecting the data and resources of the API. Here is a checklist for developers that includes recommendations for securely developing APIs:

Shallow and Deep Copies in JavaScript: What’s the Difference?

Have you ever tried to create a duplicate of an object in JavaScript, but the output wasn’t what you expected? If so, this article will discuss the different techniques for cloning and how to correctly utilize them. This knowledge will help guarantee that you get the correct results whenever you use the clone command.

In JavaScript, we can also create shallow copies and deep copies of objects. Let’s dive into what each of these concepts means in JavaScript.

In-Depth Guide to Using useMemo() Hook in React

React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. One of the key features of React is its ability to manage state and re-render components efficiently. In some cases; however, re-rendering components can be computationally expensive and slow down the user interface. This is where the useMemo() hook comes in handy.

What Is useMemo() Hook?

The useMemo() hook is a built-in React hook that allows you to optimize the performance of your React application by memoizing expensive computations. Memoization is the process of caching the results of a function call based on its input parameters. This means that if the input parameters of a function remain the same, the function will return the same output without re-executing the computation.