Serverless: Control an EC2 with Lambda, API Gateway, and Sigma

I have been developing and blogging about Sigma, the world's first serverless IDE for serverless developers — but haven't been using it for my non-serverless work. That was why, when a (somewhat) peculiar situation came up recently, I decided to give Sigma a full-scale spin.

The Situation: A Third Party Needs to Control One of Our EC2 Instances

Our parent company AdroitLogic, sells an enterprise B2B messaging platform called AS2 Gateway — which comes as a simple SaaS subscription as well as an on-premise or cloud-installable dedicated deployment. (Meanwhile, part of our team is also working on making it a completely serverless solution — we'll probably be bothering you with a whole lotta blog post on that too, pretty soon!)

How I Made AWS CLI 300% Faster!

Yeah yeah, it's "highly experimental" and all, but still, it's three times faster than simply running aws bla bla bla, the "plain" way.

And yes, it won't always be that fast, especially if you only run AWS CLI about once a fortnight. But it will certainly have a clear impact once you start batching up your AWS CLI calls; maybe routine account checks/cleanups, maybe extracting tons of CloudWatch Metrics records, or maybe a totally different, unheard-of use case.