Elasticsearch New Features: 2020 in Review

What a year 2020 has been! Social distancing and a lot of very weird situations. For some, it was a year full of difficulties, and hopefully a lot of growth and some good things too.

It has definitely been an interesting year for Elasticsearch. Many things happened, new features added and the product evolved significantly. We wanted to recap and share highlights of new features and usage recommendations. This post is about the things we consider as big changes, and important steps forward, based on our experience and what we see as important while actively working with hundreds of customers on Elasticsearch clusters of all shapes and sizes, from full-text search to log analytics and anomaly detection.

SQL on Kafka With Presto (Video)

Presto is a state of the art Distributed SQL Query Engine for big data, enabling efficient querying on cold data and various data sources. With extended SQL language and features like geospatial queries, joins between different data sources (SQL to join data from HDFS, Elasticsearch, and Kafka anyone?), and the ability to run on containers and cheap servers, Presto is slowly becoming the standard ad-hoc querying engine for big data.

In this talk, we will present Presto and how it can be used with Kafka. We will discuss data architectures, Presto features and why is it so good for your data, and finally see how it can be leveraged to querying data from Kafka as well as executing a single SQL statement that joins data from Kafka on data from SQL, Cassandra, Elastic, and more.

Running Elasticsearch on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is quickly becoming the de-facto standard for running systems in the cloud and on-premises, and in the last couple of years we at BigData Boutique have had to deploy and support quite a few Elasticsearch clusters on Kubernetes.

Now is probably a good time to reflect on this and have a high-level write up on the topic. How can you run Elasticsearch on Kubernetes? Should you even do that? And what should you watch out for?