How to delete old snapshots when original VDI are going to be removed ?

I installed Windows 7 on a guest machine in Virtualbox on my Linux Mint 18 host.
Installation OK, activation OK.
Then I tried to upgrade this guest from Windows 7 to Windows 10 I encountered some problems which rendered my installation useless. While I was working with these problems I created some snapshots so I had a fallback if something went really wrong.

Since I now had a digital right for Windows 10 for this virtual machine I decided to put up a new VDI so I could install a fresh copy of Windows 10 on this. Version 20H2 worked as it should and now I'm happy.. :-)

But: What shall I do with the old (original) VDI-disk and the snapshots on it ?
The whole thing is installed on a Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500 gb M.2 disk and I want to save as much space as possible without harming my new VDI.
Any suggestions ?
Virtuabox version: 6.1.16 r140961 (Qt5.6.1) and both the Extension Pack and the Guest Addons are updated.

KeePass with Edge browser – KeeForm

Is it possible to use KeePass2 with Edge browser on Windows 10 with the KeeForm extension or is it other ways to have autofill of username/passwords from the KeePass database using the Edge browser ? When I search for extensions on my Chrome browser on Linux I find the KeeForm extension, but I am not able to find it as an Edge extension (from Chrome Web Shop).

Most effective programming language ?

I'm using a fairly standard MSI mobo with Intel Core i5-6400 processor and 64 GB RAM.
So: Which programming language (besides assembly) is the most effective to use in this configuration when I want to do calculations/modelling trying to find the least number of combinations to fullfill some predefined conditions.

More specific I have i.e. 5 sets of combinations each containing three different states: A, B and C.
This gives me a total number of 243 combinations.
Theoretically it is possible to reduce this number of combinations to 23 so that no matter what combination of the original 243 you choose you'll always have 4 out of 5 of them correct.

If you have 4 sets of combinations the theoretically minimum of combinations fullfilling this requirement is 9 (and those 9 combinations are available today).

So I want to know what programming language should I use ?
(I'm able to put all the combinations in memory to speed up the process).

Warning when copying web-content from clipboard into MS Word 365

I try to mark content from a web-page (with pictures, hyperlinks etc) to clipboard and then paste it into Microsoft Word (belonging to the Office 365 Home suite).
Then I discover problems starting with the following warning:

"A potential vulnerability has been identified in Microsoft Office.

This document contains fields that can share data with external files
and Web sites. It is important that this file comes from a reliable

(I do not use English as my working language, and this warning is translated to English using Google Translate... :-))

The screen is often flickering two or three times before the content is displayed.

In Office 2007/2010 it was possible to avoid this message by going to the Trust Center Setttings and under Privacy Options, select or clear "Check Microsoft Office documents that are from or link to suspicious Web sites" check box. But I do not find this check box in Office 365. :-(

What can I do to avoid this message ?

Unable to choose GRUB menu choice after reboot

I've discovered a weird problem with my Linux Mint-system (Linux Mint 18).
After rebooting my system (or restarting as well) I got the GRUB menu, but my keyboard is not responding...
So I have to wait for the timeout to get my system booted.

The keyboard is wired to the computer through an USB-connection. So it's not wireless.
And it works OK as soon as my system has booted.. (?).

I have installed/loaded Linux kernel 4.4.142, 4.4.143 and 4.4.145.
When running kernel 4.4.142 Virtualbox and VMWare Workstation works as it should, but when I try to use 4.4.143 or 4.4.145 they both refuse to load.
So I want to be able to choose which kernel to run depending on what I want to do.. :-)

Gambas – reading an XML document

I'm using Gambas as my language.. :-)
Now I have a problem getting some values from an XML document.
I'm using as my "plugin".

The XML document is:

    <ns1:Name>Home Team - Away Team</ns1:Name>
    <ns1:Status Id="100">End</ns1:Status>
        <ns1:Result Id="0" Name="Result">2</ns1:Result>
        <ns1:Result Id="1" Name="Fulltime">2</ns1:Result>
        <ns1:Result Id="2" Name="Halftime">0</ns1:Result>

My code so far is:

Dim i As Integer
Dim iKampnr As Integer
Dim iRes As New Integer[]
Dim hXMLDocument As XmlDocument
Dim xeElements As XmlElement[]
Dim tempElements As XmlElement[]
Dim xeNode As XmlNode[]
Dim xsRecord As String[]
Dim sSplit As New String[]
Dim yData As New XMLNT
Dim rData As New XMLNT[]
Dim sTemp As String
Dim n as integer = -1

   rData = New XMLNT[]

   hXMLDocument = New XmlDocument

   xeNode = New XmlNode[]

   xeElements = New XmlElement[]
   xeElements = hXMLDocument.GetElementsByTagName("ns1:Event")  

   xeNode = xeElements[0].AllChildNodes

   xsRecord = New String[]

'' -- Fetching information --    

 For i = n + 1 To xeElements.Max     
    yData = New XMLNT     

    With yData
      .sMatch = xeElements[i].GetChildrenByTagName("ns1:Name")[0].TextContent
      .sMatchTime = xeElements[i].GetChildrenByTagName("ns1:Time")[0].TextContent
      sSplit = subPickTime(.sMatchTime)
      .sMatchDate = sSplit[0]
      .sMatchTime = sSplit[1]

      .sStatus = xeElements[i].GetChildrenByTagName("ns1:Status")[0].TextContent
      .sLeague = xeElements[i].GetChildrenByTagName("ns1:ArrangementName")[0].TextContent

     If (xeElements[i].GetChildrenByTagName("ns1:Withdrawn")[0].TextContent) == "false" Then
      .bWithDrawn = False
      Else If (xeElements[i].GetChildrenByTagName("ns1:Withdrawn")[0].TextContent) == "true" Then 
      .bWithDrawn = True
    End With


But I need to know how I can get the status code "100" from the statement "<ns1:Status Id="100">End</ns1:Status>".
The statement "xeElements[i].GetChildrenByTagName("ns1:Status")[0].TextContent" gives me the variable value "End".

Anyone ?
