Making an IoT Developer’s Life Easier With Eclipse IoT Packages

As an IoT developer, one is often tasked with putting together a solution that includes one or more open source components. I remember, even as far back as 2014, using components like Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT broker and Eclipse Paho MQTT client for a pilot project with IoT Gateway at Intel. Fast forward a few years at Red Hat, where I used components like Eclipse Kura and Eclipse Kapua for a European industrial automation project. Without realizing it then, I was using these components from Eclipse IoT open source projects.

Eclipse IoT Packages logoImage courtesy of Eclipse Foundation

A Primer on ML and Jupyter Notebook

Recently, I was working on an edge computing demo[1] that used ML (machine learning) to detect anomalies for a manufacturing use case. While I had a generic understanding of what ML is, I lacked the practitioner's understanding of how to use it. Similarly, I’d heard of Jupyter Notebook and was vaguely aware that it was connected with ML, but didn’t really know what it was and how to use one. This article is geared towards people who just want to understand ML and Jupyter Notebook. There are plenty of great resources available if you want to learn how to build ML models.

Caution: If you’re a data scientist then this article is not for you! We’ll be using very simple analysis techniques to serve as a teaching aid. 

IoT Applications Are Headed for Edge

Edge computing continues to gain force as an increasing number of companies get on board, even if they’re tipping their toes with small scale pilot deployments at the edge. The term edge computing has been broadly used to describe everything from actions performed by tiny IoT devices to datacenter-like infrastructure. 

At the conceptual level, edge computing refers to the idea of bringing computing closer to where it's consumed or closer to the sources of data.