Top Application Modernization Trends And Strategy

Today, the importance of application modernization is rising. As legacy systems struggle to keep pace with emerging market demands and organizational needs. So, businesses need effective methods to upgrade their outdated applications to stay competitive and thrive consistently. And this is where application modernization stands out as a powerful tool.

Legacy app modernization is a transformative process that not only helps companies revamp their outdated system. But also, it is the key to unlock new possibilities. It helps businesses ensure their software application remains future-proof.

How to Build Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) With AngularJS 15

Platform-specific apps have been in the ecosystem for a long time. But, in recent times, building PWA with AngularJS web apps is grabbing momentum. It is due to the principle of "anyone, anywhere, on any device" with a single code base.

Although you can pick from multiple technologies to build PWA, Angular stands apart from the other ones.

The Ultimate API Development Guide: Strategy, Tools, Best Practices

APIs play a prominent part in the mobile app development domain. Businesses are individually building their APIs to provide ease of effort to the developers and increase their customer base. For example, Google's map API is embedded in multiple third-party apps. Further, businesses are exploring new innovations through API development. With it, the start-up economy is gaining a boost using APIs from multiple tech giants.

Hence, the importance to understand APIs in detail becomes necessary for technical and non-technical audiences. This blog will let you understand APIs in depth. You will learn how APIs work and how enterprises gain benefits through API development. Further, you will also learn what practices API development businesses must implement in their API teams, the tools and terminologies, and more