C#: Pitfalls in String Pool

As software developers, we always want our software to work properly. We'll do everything to improve the software quality. To find the best solution, we are ready to use parallelizing or applying any various optimization techniques. One of these optimization techniques is the so-called string interning. It allows users to reduce memory usage. It also makes string comparison faster. However, everything is good in moderation. Interning at every turn is not worth it. Further, I'll show you how not to slip up with creating a hidden bottleneck in the form of the String.Intern method for your application.

In case you've forgotten, let me remind you that string is a reference type in C#. Therefore, the string variable itself is just a reference that lies on the stack and stores an address. The address points to an instance of the String class located on the heap.

There are several ways to calculate how many bytes a string object takes on the heap: the version by John Skeet and the version by Timur Guev (the last article is in Russian). In the picture above, I used the second option. Even if this formula is not 100 % true, we can still estimate the size of string objects. For example, about 4.7 million lines (each is 100 characters long) are enough to take up 1 GB of RAM. Let's say there's a large number of duplicates among the strings in a program. So, it's just worth using the interning functionality built into the framework. Now, why don't we briefly recap what is string interning?

PVS-Studio in the Clouds: CircleCI

This is a new piece of our series of articles about using the PVS-Studio static analyzer with cloud CI systems. Today we are going to look at another service, CircleCI. We'll take the Kodi media player application as a test project and see if we can find any interesting bugs in its source code.

Note. The previous articles on integrating PVS-Studio with cloud CI systems: