Querying Shopify Data in Postgres

Introduction to Shopify

Shopify is a SaaS company that simplifies the process of setting up and running an online business. Businesses that use Shopify have access to important information about their products, orders, customers, and more within Shopify. In most cases, businesses will want to extract this data and combine it with other data into a central database. In this article, we will be discussing how to migrate data from Shopify to Postgres.

Create the Postgres Database

You need to have a Postgres database in which you will store your Shopify data. You can create the database directly from Postgres, in which you will use the CREATE DATABASE database_name command. For example to give the database the name shopify, run the following command:

Advanced PostgreSQL Features: A Guide

Guide to Advanced PostgreSQL Features

Despite the rise in popularity of NoSQL databases, relational databases still continue to be preferred for many applications. This is because of their strong querying abilities and their robustness.

Relational databases excel in running complex queries and reporting based on the data in cases where the data structure does not change frequently. Open-source relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL provide a cost-effective alternative as a stable production-grade database compared to licensed counterparts like Oracle, MSSQL, etc. 

What Is The Difference Between 2NF and 3NF?

Data Normalization Cover

What is Normalization?

Normalization in a database is the process of organizing the data to reduce redundancy. The main idea is to segment a larger table into smaller ones and connect them through a relation.

But why should an end-user like you or me be concerned about Data Normalization?

Tackling Gender Bias Using Analytics


Chances are when you hear "0.77 cents on the dollar," an increasingly contentious subject — the gender pay gap — comes to mind.  Today, we will explore a US Bureau of Labor Statistics dataset containing information about America's workforce (as of Jan. 2015) to answer the following questions:

  • Which industries are most and least affected?
  • Is the gender wage gap the same across all industries?
  • How much does an average American salary vary by gender?

To answer these questions, we'll be importing the dataset mentioned above (available on Kaggle) into an Arctype SQLite database, where we'll use queries and dashboards to manipulate and interpret the data.