Top 6 Web Development Languages To Use

Today, web development is seemingly a promising job. If you are a newcomer in this field, the nuisance here is where to start or which web development languages you should learn.

Inevitably, this depends much on what type of project you get involved in, whether you feel more pleasant to work with back-end or front-end technologies and whether you are good enough at mathematics and logic to learn programming skills.

What is Cloud eCommerce Solutions?

Most of us have heard of Google Cloud or Dropbox applications without knowing that those applications are built from Cloud E-Commerce platforms. So what is “Cloud eCommerce”, why “Cloud eCommerce solutions” become so popular among businesses? Which feature does it excel in? Let’s find out more!

What’s Cloud eCommerce?

The term “Cloud eCommerce” is essentially a term used to refer to a remote access model. You use your computer via the Internet to connect and interact with a server located very far away to use application services, storage, and data processing.

The Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing

Learning about the pros and cons of cloud computing will better your company’s understanding of this concept. Cloud computing is considered a promising technology for organizational entities to deal with computing issues, especially data storage, in the future.

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the on-demand management of all computer system services (e.g. software, networking, or big data analytics) in virtual portals.

How Does Agile Software Development Life Cycle Work?

Agile development is a process of software development in which requirements are defined as user stories, are developed in small increments with the customer or client, and implemented through frequent releases.

There are many benefits to using an agile development process for your project. Collaborating early and often with the client can help to ensure that any potential issues will be identified and addressed before they become problems. If you want to know more about what an agile software development life cycle is and how it works, keep reading!

How Do You Reduce Costs in Cross-Platform Mobile Development?

Cross-platform mobile development can be significantly more expensive than developing for a single platform. This article will cover five steps to reduce cross-platform mobile app development costs to help you find the right solution for your business. Whether you’re looking to develop a new app or update an existing one, this guide will help you reduce the cost and save time and energy in the process.

Reduce Cross-Platform Mobile Development Costs

There are few industries that can grow as quickly and profitably as the mobile industry. More than 1.4 billion people use smartphones, and this number is likely to increase in the future. The problem with this growth, however, is that it’s expensive. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce cross-platform development costs so you can get ahead of the game.

Software Project Management Plan

Nowadays, many companies, organizations, and individuals are becoming more aware of the importance of technological factors in all aspects of life. This situation has resulted in the increasing need for different software products and services that cannot be created successfully without a proper software project management plan.

Overview of Software Project Management

Project management refers to the process of applying skills, knowledge, techniques, and tools to project activities to fulfill the requirements of the project. It usually broke down into project management phases, including project initiation, project planning, project execution, project monitoring, and project closure.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Software Development

If you notice the trend of outsourcing software development these days, you must know the fact that Vietnam is becoming the new powerhouse of skilled technical workers. They have a broad knowledge base to complete tasks as data mining, analysis, and innovation.

As a result, a productive yet cheap workforce is one of the reasons why many businesses are considering outsourcing their software. And before making any decision, let’s see how outsourcing benefits you and what all the bad sides are when it comes to this activity.

All You Need to Know About 8 Web Design Trends: 2021

However awash with challenges induced by the Covid-19 pandemic, the interminable year 2020 still anticipated the emergence of outstanding web design trends in 2021.

Indeed, the quarantine period, in concert with remote working, has increased human exposure to the virtual world, especially websites. And now, we’ll summarize the top possibly dominant website design trends in 2021.

What Is Big O Notation?

As programmers, we often find ourselves asking the same two questions over and over again:

  1. How much time does this algorithm need to complete?
  2. How much space does this algorithm need for computing?

To put it in other words, in computer programming, there are often multiple ways to solve a problem, so

How to Apply Scrum to Your Software Development Company

Scrum is one of the most-adopted methodologies in the technology industry today. So what do you know about this framework and how to implement it into your organization? 

1. What Do You Need to Know About Scrum?

What is Scrum?

It is essential to mention that the philosophy of Agile is that all the tasks, whether big or small, must be completed by a small group of people. As a method developed from Agile, Scrum works the same way.