Tutorial: Use Angular and Electron to Create a Desktop App

Developing apps using web technologies has certain advantages. For example, you can use various platforms to run the software of your choice, such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. However, developing with web technologies also comes with limitations, like the interoperability with an operating system is restricted and web apps can only be accessed through the browser. Whereas for desktop apps, you can access the features of the operating system directly. You can quickly add to a start menu or the dock, and they run inside their own process. What if you can get a†ll the benefits of a desktop app while using a web tool of your choice? With Electron, you can. 

What Is Electron?

Electron is a JavaScript wrapper around a Chromium web browser. An Electron program consists of two independent JavaScript threads. An outer thread that runs within Node and has access to Node’s operating system libraries, such as File System and Process libraries. Then, there is a JavaScript thread that runs within the browser window. This thread has the usual restrictions of web applications. The outer thread and the browser thread can communicate via inter-process communication (IPC) functions provided by Electron.

Authenticate Your Angular App With JWTs

No web application should ever be made without a user registration and authentication feature. Authentication gives permission for a user to access the proper resources or services. The fundamental property of HTTP is a stateless protocol that contradicts authentication, which works to keep the state of the user. 

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) help get around the contradiction between HTTP and authentication. The backend of the Angular app authenticates the JWT, validates the user, and grants them access. To make this happen, the app talks to the backend to generate a token, which then is communicated to the Authorization header to verify the token. You can also address this issue with session-based authentication and cookies. This means that the backend will create a “session cookie,” which provides a process for the server to confirm the user’s identity. 

Tutorial: Implement MongoDB to Your Angular App

Implement MongoDB to Your Angular App

When selecting a NoSQL database, MongoDB is often one of the top choices. Unlike traditional SQL databases, NoSQL databases are known for their ability to work with large datasets, which offers scalability and flexibility in app development. SQL databases, on the contrary, are comparatively stiff and not easily scalable when dealing with large sets of data

Use Angular to Build Your First PWA

Progressive Web Application (PWA) has been quite the buzz word for the last few years, but what exactly is it? 

PWAs utilize a number of modern browser technologies to improve overall user experience. The core component of a PWA is a service worker, which is a piece of JavaScript code that runs in the background of a website intercepting and fetching all browser requests.