Alert Controller In Objective-C


We have seen a security alert in iOS applications that looks like the following image:

In this article, we will learn how to create a security alert in Objective-c using Xcode. If you are a beginner and need help getting started, check out this tutorial on getting started with Xcode. 

Input Alert in Objective-C


We have seen an input alert in iOS apps that looks like this:

Input Alert In Xcode Using Objective-C

Example input alert

In this article, we will learn how to create an input alert in Objective-C using Xcode. I’ve written this article for beginners. If you need help getting started with Xcode, you can check out my first tutorial here. If you are familiar with Xcode, then add one button, provide touch-up inside, and jump to step seven. 

Introduction to the Servlet Dispatcher

The servlet dispatcher allows a request to travel from one servlet to other servlets. An alternative for the request dispatcher is to send a redirect. For every new request send, redirect comes back to the network. However, a request dispatcher then occurs within a server.


Servlet Dispatcher

Let's understand the concept of the request dispatcher with a simple example. Consider the scenario where we have three servlets, each named servlet1, servlet2, and servlet3. In case we don’t use the dispatcher, whenever we request servlet1, the server passes control to servlet1. After that, if we request servlet2, then control comes back from servlet 1 and is passed to servlet2. A server might be in India and a servlet might be requested from America. In this case, for a second request, it must come back to the server (India) and go back to the servlet (America). This option is not good if we have heavy traffic in between each request and response. A solution to this problem is using the dispatcher.