Emerging Trends That Will Define the Next 10 Years of Software Testing (Part 2)

As discussed in the previous blog, organizations are shifting toward an "Agile+DevOps" strategy for their SDLCs, which will be predominantly governed by automation tools. Many organizations embarked on their digital transformation journey in the last decade, but there were more failures than success. With advanced technology and better understanding, we can expect a more mature approach from leaders for navigating their organization to the desired digital heights.

In this blog, we'll pick up the baton from where we paused in the Part 1. While the first part of the blog talked about the trends that dominated the last decade and will influence the coming one, this blog will delve upon the next-generation technologies. Although the next-gen software testing technologies are still in a relatively nascent stage, they are expected to rule the roost for the upcoming decade.

Why Continuous Testing Is The Best Thing That Happened to Digital Transformation

Change has always been at the center of mankind's evolution, mapping the journey since the primitive era to this digital age. Continuous experimentation, trials and errors, continuous improvement and integration into everyday life, and then the continuous distribution of the experimented, adapted technology has led us to where we stand today. From simply surviving on necessities to building a life of luxury and convenience, mankind has surely come a long way. The extent to which we have evolved, the distance that we have traversed, has brought us to the point of advancement where we exist physically but survive digitally.

Evolution has been the only constant over the centuries of our existence. But what makes digital transformation so revolutionizing is its capability of bridging the difference between physical and digital. When a snake sheds its skin, it changes; when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, it transforms. Digital transformation is metamorphosizing every industry into a winged butterfly. But, if done wrong, you'll only have a really fast caterpillar who may complete the designated tasks much faster, but at the cost of quality and efficiency. This is where continuous testing takes the reins — to ensure that your organization truly transforms into an enterprise capable of delivering excellent customer satisfaction rapidly.

Wearable Technology Is the Future of Healthcare Future

Healthcare and life sciences industry is metamorphosizing into an evolved, digitally-advanced, technology-driven, consumer-centric sector. As against the existing uptightness toward digital adoption, the industry is burgeoning with innovative solutions for delivering enhanced care to the patients. Coming out of its shell and dissolving the silos, the healthcare sector is openly and widely embracing the digitally disruptive processes. This is evident from the favorable statistics showcasing that over 1800 hospitals in the U.S. utilize mobile applications, while 92 percent of the hospitals have a patient portal solution in place.

As the consumerism attitude is settling in amongst the patients, they seek convenient healthcare. The modern, tech-savvy, price-sensitive patients expect first-class care delivery at minimal efforts and affordable rates. A recent study by Definitive Healthcare revealed that 70 percent of consumers would rather use video consulting than visit their primary care provider in person. With the rising popularity of telehealth, mHealth or digital health, hospitals are also equipping themselves with the required solutions. 50 percent of the U.S. hospitals offer the telehealth facility to their patients. The remote patient monitoring market is driven to become a $31.3 billion industry. This surge is proportionally resulting in the proliferation of the wearables market, which is projected to grow 15.3 percent over the previous year to 198.5 million units by the end of 2019.

4 Ways Application Security Testing Can Help Overcome IoT Threats?

In simpler, Internet-less times, looting banks required the physical presence of masked, gun-bearing robbers. If banks were proactive enough, they could take down the robbers and prevent the loot with tight security force or hamper an ongoing robbery by calling in additional help.

Nowadays, with the Internet practically ruling our lives, robbing a bank has become easier while securing it has become a real headache. Amidst the millions of interconnected IoT devices, identifying the weak nodes has emerged as one of the biggest challenges. Without knowing what to secure, how will the security strategy work?

How to Ensure Effective TDM in Continuous Test Automation

Test Data Management prevents your Continuous Test Automation strategy from going into the dump. Wasn't automation supposed to take over redundant processes, lessen the burden on manual testers, and speed up the entire testing cycle? If testers are still required to keep updating the test data every time for the test to run successfully, doesn't that defy the whole purpose of automation and further weigh down poor testers under a load of tedious tasks?

DevOps is teaming up with automation to encourage continuous processes of integration, testing, and delivery. The dependency of DevOps on automation is immense. While everyone is seeing the glittering on-stage drama of DevOps backed by automated testing, they are mostly ignorant of what goes on backstage. Like a puppeteer who seamlessly orchestrates the movement of the props for presenting a successful puppet show, test data determines the successful completion of a software test. Now, what if the material of the puppet thread used is changed without informing the puppeteer that he needs to wear additional protection to avoid cuts? He would injure himself, which might cause the show to halt, resulting in failure. The agility of continuous testing does not provide the scope for conveying the change in time, making implementation of proper test data management practices a necessity for software testing.

4 Reasons Why You Must Consider Exploratory Testing Within Agile

Creating an application is no longer an easy task. There are a number of factors that you must consider while conceptualizing an application and finally getting it into motion. The user interface, technology, user profile, and devices are some key considerations that application makers consider before diving into the application development process. Nevertheless, the times are changing and so are the expectations and preferences. This means that you need a process that enables you to keep exploring, learning, and executing constantly. That's where exploratory testing blends in within the Agile environment.

If you just begin to understand the benefits of exploratory testing, you will realize how business critical it is, especially in the current scenario of absolute digital chaos. In a practical sense, it enables testing teams to keep up with the Agile development process. 

Key Software Testing Trends That You Can Anticipate for 2019

Businesses across the globe are evolving each day to confront the market challenges and deal with maturing customer expectations. Even the ongoing technology advancements keep twisting the arms of software testing experts for more attention and precision in the practice and processes. The year 2018 brought into its fold new technology solutions and enablement for Quality Assurance and Software Testing. At the same time, practices such as Agile, DevOps, DevSecOps, and Test Automation continued to sustain their relevance and applications through the software testing cycle.

As the year ends, we can gauge some strong trends that are expected to rule the software testing and development scene in 2019. We have shortlisted prominent trends and we would be glad to get your views and value additions on this post as well.