A Concise Guide to DevSecOps and Their Importance in CI/CD Pipeline

Leveraging continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), many businesses today automate the software development life cycle. CI/CD is a part of the DevOps process, which aims to accelerate software development while minimizing errors. Continuous delivery automates the entire software release process up to production, whereas continuous integration produces and tests code automatically. However, security still possesses a significant concern. That brings us to the critical question, why is security a primary concern?

CI/CD pipeline enhances your software development capabilities by providing several benefits.  These include fewer code modifications, a shorter mean time to fix issues, more reliable tests, quicker release cycles, a lower backlog of products, and more customer satisfaction.

AWS, Azure, and GCP: Find the Right Platform

The cloud computing market is one of the most dynamic and attractive industries in the world. It's also incredibly complex, and it can be hard to know where to start if you're looking for a cloud platform to support your business. The cloud is growing at a rapid pace, and it's helping to democratize technology. 

Businesses with nascent cloud infrastructure are struggling to ensure business stability and continuity. Start-ups and enterprises that adopted cloud technology prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, on the other hand, benefit from the current situation. But we can't forget that not every company needs the same level of flexibility or scalability as others. So how do you choose the best platform for your business? Know here: 

Software Methodologies — Waterfall vs Agile vs DevOps

The IT industry is ever-changing. In the past decade, it went through continuous evolution of technologies and methodologies. There is a  constant need to upgrade to integrate different solutions and meet the needs of market demands. 

Starting from the waterfall approach, the industry has shifted towards agile methodology and now focuses massively on DevOps principles and best practices. Have you ever wondered why billion-dollar companies like Amazon, Netflix, Etsy, NASA, Walmart, Nordstrom, etc., have adopted DevOps? Where did it all start from? What caused DevOps to be developed? Let’s try to answer all these questions in this brief comparison of methodologies. 

How Can You Benefit from Containerized Microservices?

Microservices architecture is transforming the face of the IT industry. In the upcoming years, most applications are going to be run on microservices. The service and product industry is ditching the use of monolithic architecture for more complex applications, and slowly but surely is transitioning towards microservices. Microservices' advantages, like agile development and architecture, enable businesses to roll out new features faster, making it the obvious choice. 

Containerization technology goes hand in hand with microservices architecture. Not only does it support virtualization, but it also works flawlessly under any OS environment. It's natural that the two technologies work synchronously with one another. What other benefits do containerized microservices holds that can be leveraged by businesses? Let's find out!

How Should You Apply Automation in DevOps Practice?

To deal with the increased demand for software products, businesses worldwide have started adopting the well-known DevOps practices for rapid prototyping and delivery of software updates. Automation is an integral part of following DevOps principles. With the help of automation, DevOps excels at providing speed, consistency, and reliability of their end products. 

Practicing DevOps principles alongside automation results in two significant changes within an organization -

How to Determine if Microservices Architecture Is Right for Your Business?

Two types of widespread architecture exist in the market - Monolithic architecture and microservices architecture. While the latter is getting widespread recognition in the IT industry, does that mean you should jump into microservices architecture adoption? Is it the right solution for your business? This article will help you understand the core concepts of both the architecture to make an informed decision regarding the choice of architecture for your business. 

What Is Monolithic Architecture?

Monolithic architecture puts all the functionalities of the software into a single codebase. The codebase, usually, is internally divided into layers, namely the presentation layer, business logic layer, and database layer. This codebase, consisting of layers, is deployed as a single jar/war file.

DevOps Operational Benefits — How Does DevOps Sync Your Operations With Your Business Goals?

Every year DevOps market is growing at an exponential rate. Considering the current trend of DevOps adoption, the CAGR is at 24.7%, with an expected market capitalization of $10.3 billion by 2023. In laymen's terms, DevOps's goal is to make it feasible for the development and operations teams to collaborate to optimize performance, reduce errors, improve delivery speed, etc.

However, harnessing DevOps has tons of operational benefits apart from technical benefits. This blog is dedicated to explaining some of the functional benefits of DevOps and how your operations can sync with your business goals. 

Lessons to Learn from Etsy’s DevOps Strategy

Every organization adopting DevOps has stories to tell to the world. Some of them turned out to be success stories, while others are more like lessons to learn. While it's true that Etsy is one of such organizations that benefited a lot from their DevOps adoption, they also learned a few lessons from their mistakes during their journey. Today, we will be talking in brief about those lessons in detail. But first, let’s try to understand why Etsy first became interested in DevOps.

Why Did Etsy Adopt DevOps?

Back in 2005, Etsy’s engineering teams were siloed into developers, operations teams, and database admins. Although the team was relatively small — close to 35 employees — they faced many team collaboration challenges. This barrier was hindering Etsy’s progress as an organization. 

How To Boost Your In-house Enterprise DevOps Talent?

In 2010, Amazon moved from physical serves to Amazon web services. This initiative was a part of their enterprise DevOps transformation. Needless to say, it worked in their favor. Like this, there are numerous organizations that are leveraging enterprise DevOps for greater scalability, efficient collaboration, and communication, faster release cycles, better code quality, etc. 

But, adopting enterprise DevOps is not a piece of cake. To successfully implement enterprise DevOps, you need to hire reliable people who live and breathe DevOps. Or, you may follow key practices to boost your in-house DevOps talent. In this article, let’s discuss a few of such key practices!

5 Steps To Implement DataOps Within Your Organization

Successful DevOps Implementation is crucial for organizations looking to scale their business. But, what after you have implemented it successfully? Should you be technologically stagnant? The answer is definitely a “NO.” 

Nearly after two decades of DevOps inception, we have access to newer forms of DevOps with enhanced quality and practices. One such form is known as DataOps. According to Gartner, DataOphs is a collaborative data management practice focused on improving the communication, integration, and automation of data flows between data managers and data consumers across an organization. In this blog, we have listed 5 major steps necessary for the successful implementation of DataOps. 

A Guide to Component Driven Development (CDD)


The creation of evolutionary applications with future-proof architectures is a challenging task. Given the number of organizations relying on modern frontend trends to develop and ship software products globally to millions of users, the need to choose an architecture that can scale and speed up development processes has become essential. More than creating a complex app with innovative features, building an app with a simple and decoupled codebase is the priority today. Why do you ask?

The primary reason is that a quality application is imminent to obtain user growth. After a certain period, scaling up the app in terms of features, server capacity, and so on would be inevitable. However, due to budgetary limitations or ignorance through the attitude of “we will scale later”, most organizations build apps with tightly coupled architectures where scaling becomes impossible in the future.

Top 3 Challenges That a CTO Will Face While Migrating a Database

The competitive world demands that applications be more performant, bringing pace to the overall functioning of the application. Well, adopting new technologies and moving away from the legacy system can be miraculous. Migrating to a new database is one such miracle that can help applications leverage the overall performance and functionality. But, the process of migrating databases is a challenging task. Let us explore the top 3 challenges that are faced by the CTO while performing a migration.

1. Devising a Migration Strategy

Database migration is a strategic process. It is fraught with a lot of risks. Devising a plan for safe, secure and efficient migration of databases is really important for the migration to be successful. Well, for many teams, deciding whether to pursue a “big bang” migration — a single step process or to leverage a more methodical, incremental approach called a “trickle” or “parallel run” migration. 

Accessibility and Testing in Two Popular SPA Frameworks

I love working with JavaScript frameworks. But what I love most is building an interactive user interface with flawless accessibility. You have to be user-centric while developing apps because overlooking an end-user's perspective often leads to a half-baked idea. Considering this point of view, I found gold in Ember and Angular. These frameworks are great for building single-page applications and take accessibility to an extra mile. 

Angular is built with extensive capabilities to build bug-free applications with its supportive architecture. Ember, on the other hand, has got everything sorted for writing the tests to keep a consistent best practice in dealing with test cases among different modules of an application. For more details on different aspects of these two javascript frameworks, you can refer to our blog: Ember vs Angular: Comparing Two Popular SPA Frameworks.

Top Testing Types to Use in Automation Testing

Planning automated tests.

For any organization, the overall testing culture is influenced by the prevailing testing approach, apart from how they envision the test automation and how are they planning to collaborate beyond the development teams. Establishing test automation in an organization is not your conventional practice and that is why you would want to learn the best approaches possible.

This means retrospecting the current process, finalizing and deciding the new test approach as well as determining the level of testing, roles, and responsibilities of the team members.