Seven Essential JavaScript Functions

As a developer, you might know how important JavaScript has become. Right now, it is the most popular and commonly used programming language in the world. It is used to program desktop and server programs, webpages, web applications, mobile applications, etc. It is also used for databases like MongoDB and CouchDB.

JavaScript has come a long way since its inception. Earlier, developers were aware of only a few functions for all types of features and functionalities because every browser implemented the features according to their rendering engines, which made manual testing of web applications across browsers complicated. But, now you can automate the cross-browser testing of JavaScript web applications with the help of online Selenium Grid without writing repetitive code.

How Selenium 4 Relative Locator Can Change The Way You Test

Web pages can consist of the number of web elements or GUI elements like radio buttons, text boxes, drop-downs, inputs, etc. Web locators in the context of Selenium automation testing are used to perform different actions on the web elements of a page. Which makes it no surprise that as a new Selenium user, the first thing we aim to learn is Selenium Locators.

These locators are the bread and butter of any Selenium automation testing framework, no matter the type of testing you are doing, ranging from unit testing to end-to-end, automated, cross-browser testing. There are many types of locators used, such as CSS Selector, XPath, Link, Text, ID, etc. So far, you get eight types of locators in Selenium. This number, however, is going to change in the new Selenium 4 release. Wondering why?

Parallel Testing in Selenium WebDriver With Python Using Unittest

Cross-browser testing is deemed to be an indispensable task for the modern-day release cycle. However, manual cross-browser testing could turn out to be very strenuous and time-consuming. This is a major hindrance that developers and testers face while performing browser compatibility testing for their website or web application across different operating systems, browsers, etc. This is where Selenium, a free and open source software, steps in!

Selenium is a popular automation testing framework for browser compatibility testing and is utilized for performing automated functional testing with less/minimal learning curve with respect to implementation.

Selenium Grid Setup Tutorial for Cross-Browser Testing

When performing cross-browser testing manually, one roadblock that you might have hit during the verification phase is testing the functionalities of your web application across different operating systems, devices, and/or browsers with respect to time. With thousands of browsers available in the market, automation testing for validating cross-browser compatibility has become a necessity.

Referring to automation and considering our love for open-source software, it is inevitable to turn a blind eye from one of the most renowned test automation frameworks, Selenium. We have covered automation testing with Selenium WebDriver for cross-browser testing previously on our blog where we discussed different variants of Selenium, i.e IDE, RC, WebDriver, etc. and ran our first automation script.