KubeMQ Bridges for Edge Computing


For years, companies have been moving to the cloud. With the ubiquity of internet-connected devices, it seems only natural to rely on cloud-based services for the majority of applications today. However, the rise of edge computing has demonstrated that there is also a need for hyper-local, distributed computing which can offer latencies and resilience that the cloud cannot match. With these benefits come ever-increasing complexity both in terms of individual application development as well as overall infrastructure management.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the unique benefits and challenges of edge computing, as well as how a lightweight, Kubernetes-based messaging queue can meet those challenges.

Key Application Metrics and Monitoring for Developers

In the past, code and infrastructure were handled by completely separate organizations. Developers wrote code, while IT set up servers. Developers fixed bugs, while IT handled infrastructure maintenance. However, with the trend towards DevOps and the increased availability of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), there is an increasing overlap between Dev and IT. For developers, this can mean taking care of infrastructure, a task that is quite different from standard app dev.

As a full-stack developer, I've been pushed to handle more and more infrastructure-related responsibilities, including monitoring production applications. We just went live for HP Foundation at https://www.life-global.org with our Next.js-based learning management system. As a dev team lead, I have been researching how to best support and maintain the application through metrics.