Patterns To Make Synchronous Communication in Microservices Resilient

Microservices have become a popular architectural approach for building large-scale, complex systems. While asynchronous communication is often preferred in microservices, there are cases where synchronous communication is necessary. However, relying on synchronous communication introduces challenges related to resilience. This blog post will explore patterns that help make synchronous communication in microservices more resilient, ensuring system stability and fault tolerance. 

Circuit Breaker 

The Circuit Breaker pattern is a crucial pattern in making synchronous communication in microservices more resilient. It acts as a safety mechanism that monitors the availability and responsiveness of dependent services. The Circuit Breaker maintains a state based on the success or failure of previous requests.

Tips on Performance Optimization of Cosmos DB

Azure Cosmos DB is a highly scalable and globally distributed NoSQL database service offered by Microsoft. To ensure optimal performance and scalability of applications running on Cosmos DB, it's crucial to employ effective performance optimization techniques. In this blog post, we will explore best practices and tips for optimizing performance in Azure Cosmos DB. 

Indexing Strategy

As with the other databases, indexing is the first go-to option to improve query performance. The same is the case with Cosmos DB as well. Below are a few points which you can leverage to optimize the indexing strategy for Cosmos DB. 

A List of Best Practices for Writing Tests

Below is a list of best practices to follow when writing tests. These are general guidelines one should follow irrespective of the type of tests they are working on.

Keep Tests Independent

Each test should be independent of others, ensuring that a failure in one test doesn't impact the execution or outcome of another. This improves test reliability, enables test parallelization, and allows for easier debugging.

Seven Basic Principles of Good Software Engineering

DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) 

The DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle is a fundamental concept in software engineering that promotes code reuse. It states that if you have written a piece of code, then it should be reused throughout the codebase rather than repeated somewhere else. It advocates for avoiding duplication of code or logic and encourages developers to strive for a single source of truth. By adhering to DRY, you'll get the following benefits:

  1. Improved Code Quality: Duplicated code is prone to inconsistencies. By adhering to the DRY principle, developers ensure that code is written once and reused whenever needed, which greatly improves the quality of the system.
  2. Time and Effort Savings: Duplicated code requires redundant efforts. When changes or updates need to be made, developers have to modify the code in multiple places, which consumes time and also increases the risk of introducing errors. The DRY principle helps save valuable time and effort by centralizing code logic.

Read more about the DRY principle here

Choosing the Right Azure Storage Service

Azure Storage is Microsoft's cloud-based storage solution. It goes beyond traditional file storage, offering a comprehensive range of modern storage services. In this article, we will explore the various services available and their specific use cases, enabling you to select the service that best suits your needs.

Azure Blob Storage: Storing Unstructured Data With Ease

Azure Blob Storage is a powerful and scalable storage service designed specifically for storing unstructured data. Whether it's images, videos, documents, backups, logs, or any other type of file, Blob Storage provides a cost-effective and reliable solution for managing vast amounts of data in the cloud.