Front-End Testing Tutorial: Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

Front-end testing is the technique of validating the graphical interface of websites or mobile applications to ensure they are free of defects. This testing helps users have a seamless experience using the application and helps them navigate through it quickly.

In general, front-end developers create the graphical user interface (GUI) of a website using different technologies (e.g., HTML, CSS, or JavaScript) so users can interact with it. In essence, the front end is any part of a digital web product that a user can access and interact with.

Defect Management Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

Defect management is the process of identifying, documenting, and tracking defects (bugs or issues) in a software product. It is an important part of the software development process that ensures defects are identified and addressed in a timely manner.

Analyzing bugs that need identification, documentation, monitoring, and addressing large codebases of complex software applications can be a daunting task. In addition, satisfying the expectations of end-users is also crucial. This is where Defect management comes to the rescue.

Reliability Testing Tutorial: Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

Reliability testing is a part of the software development process that helps ensure that a software application or system performs seamlessly in each environmental condition as expected over time. It incorporates the test results from functional and non-functional testing to determine issues in software design.

Have you ever thought about the long-term performance of the products or systems daily? Whether it's our smartphones, cars, or even appliances in our homes, we expect them to work correctly and consistently over time.

Selenium WebDriver Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide to WebDriver Automation

WebDriver is a simple and concise remote programming interface that can be used to control, or in other words, drive, a browser either locally or on a remote machine. It is a platform-neutral and programming language-neutral wire protocol that can be used to remotely instruct the browser's behavior, like manipulating discovering DOM elements, manipulating DOM elements, controlling the behavior of user agents, etc.

Now part of the Selenium project, the combination of Selenium WebDriver encompasses the language bindings and the implementations of the code that controls individual browsers, which are now often simply referred to as WebDriver. The tool is especially useful in performing browser automation testing across various browsers and operating systems.

Ad-Hoc Testing: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

Ad-hoc testing is the process of creating tests based on a need to test. These tests are not created as part of a set plan or to test specific features but rather to ensure that specific areas of the product work correctly. It is also performed as part of regression testing to ensure that new patches and fixes do not cause any issues with the current version of the product.

A tester must be willing to challenge any idea, no matter how good or absurd. One of the best ways to test your ideas is through Adhoc testing, which is a great way to discover new issues and risks with minimal effort. It allows you to take a more creative approach and try new things to find a problem by not formalizing the process.

Alpha Testing Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

Alpha testing is a procedure that helps developers find and address faults in their software products. It is comparable to user acceptance testing, another kind of quality control. The main goal of the Alpha test is to fine-tune a software product by uncovering and fixing faults that were not addressed during the initial phases of development.

While developing new software applications, many organizations overlook conducting Alpha tests. It focuses on particular product areas to detect and correct flaws missed during software development.

Operational Testing Tutorial: Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

Operational testing helps evaluate the operational readiness of a product, service, or application that forms an integral part of quality. You tend to consider the operational aspects that can be a major differentiator in the long run. These aspects are addressed as part of the pre-release before the changes are deployed on the production server.

Organizations around the globe have realized the true value offered by operational tests, which is why you will see more and more structured processes being defined for it. You can have a dedicated team for operational tests, or the QA team can perform it as part of the software development lifecycle.

UI Testing Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

UI testing is a technique that ensures the UI of a website or mobile application is user-friendly and meets the expected customer or end-user requirements. It validates the visual design and layout, and functionality of the user interface to make sure it performs as intended.

User interfaces encompass everything a user sees and interacts with on a website. It is the space where the website and the user interact. When you first visit a website, the first thing you interact with is the UI or interface of the application. A website's design decides a user's first impression. The user experience of an interactive web application can make or break a deal for you, and that is why it's crucial to perform UI testing of your websites or web applications.

Test Coverage Tutorial: Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

Test coverage is a black-box testing method that entails testing elements included in the functional requirements specification, software requirements specification, and other required documents. Since the tests are derived from these documents, there is minimal or no chance of automation.

For example, say you want to perform cross-browser testing on your web application to see if it renders properly in different browsers and operating systems. Your test coverage would equal the number of browser + OS combinations for which you have tested your web application's browser compatibility.

Test Strategy Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

The test strategy is an organizational-level document that describes the general test approach, i.e., what needs to be achieved and how to achieve it. This document is outside the scope of the software testing life cycle (STLC) and does not specify testing requirements for a specific project. Instead, it establishes the common testing principles for all of the organization's projects.

When software scales and the team grows, an unchallengeable need for the right test tool and strategy arises. By incorporating an effective test strategy, you can ensure a bug-free application.

Test Tool Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

Test tools are software or hardware designed to test a system or application. Various test tools are available for different types of testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and more. Some test tools are intended for developers during the development process, while others are designed for quality assurance teams or end users.

In addition to automating testing tasks, test tools can produce test data, monitor system performance, and report on test results.

Build an Automated Testing Pipeline With GitLab CI/CD and Selenium Grid

CI/CD has been gaining a lot of attraction and is probably one of the most talked topics for the novices in DevOps. With the availability of CI/CD tools available in the market, configuring and operating a CI/CD pipeline has become a lot easier than what it was 5-6 years ago. Back then, there were no containers and the only CI/CD tool that dominated the sphere was Jenkins. Jenkins provided you with a task runner, so you could define your jobs to run either sequentially or in parallel.

Today, the scenario is different. We have numerous CI/CD tools available in the market, which provides us with added features and functionality in comparison to Jenkins. One such renowned CI/CD tool is GitLab CI and that is precisely what we will be covering in this article.

Testing Challenges Related to Microservice Architecture

If you are living in the same world as I am, you must have heard the latest coding buzzer termed “microservices”—a lifeline for developers and enterprise-scale businesses. Over the last few years, microservice architecture emerged to be on top of conventional SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). This much more precise and smaller architecture brought in many benefits. Enough to make the business more scalable in a fly-by paralleling development, testing, and maintenance across various independent teams. Considering how different this approach is from the conventional monolithic process, the testing strategies that apply are also different. With different testing strategies emerge different testing challenges.

By far, everyone in the tech world is aware that microservice architecture is useful in delivering a more responsive and agile application. Some major organizations, such as Netflix, Nike, Facebook, etc., have backed their performance based on this architecture.

How To Generate Code Coverage Report Using JaCoCo-Maven Plugin

Code coverage is a software quality metric commonly used during the development process that let’s you determine the degree of code that has been tested (or executed). To achieve optimal code coverage, it is essential that the test implementation (or test suites) tests a majority percent of the implemented code.

There are a number of code coverage tools for languages like Java, C#, JavaScript, etc. Using the best-suited code coverage tool is important to understand the percentage of code tested and take appropriate actions to ensure that you achieve the ideal code coverage.

Top 5 Cucumber Best Practices for Selenium Automation

Do you know Cucumber is a great tool used to run acceptance tests using the plain-text functional descriptions with Gherkin? Behavior Driven Development strategy or BDD, as it is popularly known, is implemented using the Cucumber tool.

The best part about using the Cucumber BDD framework are:

How To Modify HTTP Request Headers in Java Using Selenium Webdriver

One of the most common test automation challenges is how do we modify the request headers in Selenium WebDriver. As an automation tester, you would come across this challenge for any programming language, including Java. Before coming to a solution, we need to understand the problem statement better and arrive at different possibilities to modify the header request in Java while working with Selenium WebDriver Tutorial.

In this Selenium Java tutorial, we will learn how to modify HTTP request headers in Java using Selenium WebDriver with different available options.

How To Handle Pseudo-Elements in CSS With Selenium?

While performing UI automation testing on a webpage, we all try to work with the web elements such as buttons, texts, etc. Interaction with the WebElements in the DOM is made possible with the help of Selenium locators. However, there are some aspects of a web page that even the locators can’t manage. Pseudo-elements in CSS fall in that category. Without the correct information, these pseudo-elements can be very hard to automate. In this article, we will see how to handle pseudo-elements in CSS with Selenium WebDriver.

Selenium is a powerful automation testing framework for checking complex web pages but pseudo-elements are tricky to automate. Selenium, when used in conjunction with the JavaScriptExecutor interface, helps to automate pseudo-elements. When testing your website, one must also ensure that the webpage functions as expected across various browser and OS combinations. Given that Selenium test automation is a cross-browser and cross-platform affair, you can perform automation tests at scale with the cloud-based Selenium Grid.

Configure Cucumber Setup in Eclipse and IntelliJ [Tutorial]

Selenium is a test automation framework extensively used by organizations looking to expedite the web-product testing process. As far as test automation frameworks in Java are concerned, TestNG is largely preferred by QA engineers for the development and enhancement of test suites. With the adoption of Agile methodology in the work environment, a diverse set of stakeholders like QAs, technical managers, and program managers — including non-technical team members — are willing to work collaboratively for the betterment of the product.

The project lifecycle includes the business analysts and other stakeholders testing the application in a thorough manner. This is where the necessity to incorporate Behavior Driven Development (BDD) comes into the picture. Cucumber is a popular BDD tool that is widely used for test automation.