Configuring TLS and Resolving Errors

Today, we are going to discuss and see how to configure the TLS and resolve errors related to this. There are different versions of TLS.


Schedule Azure WebJobs Using Azure Logic Apps

Migrate your Azure WebJobs with Azure Logic Apps before it's too late.

In this article, we will see how to migrate Azure WebJobs from Azure Scheduler to Azure Logic Apps. As we all know, Azure Scheduler will become obsolete on December 31, 2019, after which all Scheduler job collections and jobs will stop running and they will be deleted from the system.

You may also enjoy:  An Inside Look at Microsoft Azure WebJobs

In order to continue to use jobs, we must move Azure Schedulers to Azure Logic Apps as soon as possible. Azure Logic Apps have numerous features:

Restart Azure Web App Using Azure Logic App

Sometimes you have to begin again.


In this article, we are going to see how to restart the Azure web app using Azure Logic App. I am assuming that you know about Azure Logic Apps. If you want to read more about Azure Logic Apps, check out this article.

You may also enjoy:  Introducing Azure Logic Apps Integration Service Environment (ISE)


For creating a Logic App which will restart the Azure web app, you need the following items and access.