Test Design Specification: Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

The test design specification is a document that defines test conditions, a detailed test approach, and high-level test cases associated with a test item. It determines which test suites and test cases to run and which to skip.

Using test design specifications, you can simplify your understanding of the current testing cycles. Simple questions like "What are we doing?", "How are we doing?" and "Why are we doing this?" are all answered in this document. However, to achieve the result, many things must flow correctly in creating specifications to make perfect sense.

A Complete Guide to Cordova Testing

When we think about the idea of an application, one central question constantly trembles: What would be the best platform to develop it for initially? The reason for this question is the highly fragmented market today we live in.

Currently, a user has two primary options to operate an application. For example, a ticket booking application can either be opened as a web application on a desktop or a mobile device can be considered for the same process. Users can also download the mobile application if they choose a mobile device. After this, these options divide further. Let’s say they prefer a mobile device to download the application. But then, which operating system are they using? Since Android and iOS have APIs and structure that is poles apart, they need separate applications.

An End-to-End Guide to Vue.js Testing

“When Vue’s user count reached a certain volume, it became a community. Suddenly all these people counted on me: contributors, users, educators, students… It became bigger than I ever thought it could be.” – Evan You.

This is a confession of a developer towards releasing a JS framework in 2014 that today is used by over 1.5 million users. A framework has become significant in website development if we consider how new it is. With developers picking up Vue slowly, the question of Vue.js testing becomes all the more interesting to decode among the organization.

Adobe Testing Tutorial: Getting Started

With the exponential growth in digitalization worldwide, organizations hold a large amount of data today. This data can be extracted, cleaned, and used to reveal analytics that was not possible earlier. One can use these numbers to expand web applications, analyze user patterns, and present exactly what they want to see to the user. This can only be unlocked by using an appropriate tool to capture this data and determine usage patterns.

Not only this, but if something is wrong, the tool should be able to identify it and provide solutions that can run the application in the optimum desired space. This hectic work starts after deploying the web application and is as crucial as development because it can take the business down very quickly.

Getting Started With Bootstrap Testing

“A small group of developers and I gathered to design and build a new internal tool and saw an opportunity to do more. We saw ourselves building something more substantial than another internal tool through that process. Months later, we ended up with an early version of Bootstrap to document and share common design patterns and assets within the company.”

The above statement was said by Mark Otto, one of the developers of Bootstrap. Jacob Thornton, another developer, and they both worked in the Twitter organization, which is a popular social media website. However, even though we see a beautiful landscape as an end-user, the story differs for the developers responsible for building it. A website accessed by millions of people every day had to be (or needed to be) just perfect for each.

How to Use Media Queries in CSS for Responsive Design

CSS is one of the fundamental pillars of web development and design. While CSS started as something that can change the style of a web page, every CSS specification iteration now brings more to the table, precisely when it comes to cross browser compatibility.

Today, CSS is more than just “background-colour” and tag specifications that made initial web development days a lot of fun. CSS has become a helping tool in bringing out mobile-first design and responsive web design in web applications without making too much effort.

How To Use CSS Contain Property To Optimize Browsers

The integral part of web development is cascading style sheets, which are popularly called CSS. The library contains a long list of functions and properties that help us develop functionalities in a couple of lines rather than writing messy JS code. This may include position sticky, media queries, or setting up the aspect ratio for the web page.

In my web dev experience, I always divided the functions and properties available in CSS into two partitions. One section contains easy out specific design-related items in web development, such as sticking an element to the top while the user scrolls. The other section contains better efficiency, optimization, and improvement of the development strategies according to the latest web development trends.

Complete Guide to Lazy Load Images for Better Website Performance

The pandemic of 2019-2020 made us all lazy. With no option but to sit at home, 35.82% of us gained weight in that phase, thanks to our laziness. Fortunately, that phase gives us an excellent chance to understand a somewhat similar concept in web development. So, how do you define the term “lazy”? While Google says, “Unwilling to work,” I can rephrase it to “not willing to work until necessary.” Until it is extremely necessary for a lazy person to move to another place than that lousy couch, they will stick to it.

Similarly, in CSS, we call lazy images those images that are not willing to be fetched from the server to the client (from couch to the place X in our analogy) until it’s extremely necessary. Lazy images will serve as the center point of this blog. The post will revolve around encouraging the developers to make more and more images lazy in contrast to real life. The main attractions that will throw a bit of light on what these lazy load images are, how to lazy load images, as well as the ways in which a developer can convert an image to lazy.

How Dynamic Rendering Works Using HTML and CSS?

A user might be operating in front of a mobile screen and a desktop screen, but their expectation changes widely on both devices. A user in front of a mobile device is a little less patient, as they are mostly “on the go” compared to when they are in front of a desktop. Mobile devices have changed the overall user experience and how a user perceives a website nowadays. In short, we need our content to render dynamically on mobile and desktop screens abiding by their requirements. If we could do that, we could create a responsive design with content specific to the device users.

For example, you cannot hide a “Login” button on a dropdown or hamburger menu in the corner. While you can do that on a desktop screen (even though it’s a bad design!) and the user will find it. The developers cannot mess up with the mobile design, considering the traffic size and data generation a mobile device is responsible for. Also, we have a lot to share with our users on the developer's end and want a large screen space to accommodate everything.

How to Use Aspect Ratio CSS Property in Responsive Web Designs

Being web developers, we are hardly satisfied by the dimensions of our elements on the web page. What if I could increase that image width to 30px more? Or maybe 20 percent? Deciding the final width at the end now requires us to adjust the height as well! What if multiple elements were to be adjusted according to the new values like in a CSS-grid or subgrid structure? This is where the CSS aspect ratio comes into play.

The aspect ratio is extremely important given the effect a UI has on the end-user. The aspect ratio is always a measured property that needs adjustments and careful scrutiny. It had become frustrating to waste a lot of time just to adjust an element to look perfectly on multiple devices with time. With the recent trends in web development, there has been an increase in the complexities of the project. A small change in a single element’s dimensions can cause a ripple effect on the complete web page.

How CSS Subgrids Make Vertical Alignment Easy

Do you know that both the grids and alignment CSS properties are always talked about together? Why? Because of the nature of their existence and the mess that alignment creates on different screen devices. How easy and convenient would web developers’ lives become if all the devices in this world existed with the same screen size. That would be a dream! But coming back to reality, we have to deal with hundreds of devices with varying screen sizes, and the problems they create for the developers with alignment is an add-on. CSS grids and CSS subgrids were introduced to tackle the alignment problem with multiple elements existing side by side.

Grids were responsive, and instead of the “hit and try” of pixel and margin values, setting display: grid worked like a charm. As time stands witness to the issues tackled by web developers, if they do not have one, they invent one themselves. Now the developers have started to create complex web designs with one grid nested with other grids. That was a makeshift arrangement, and making it work was an endeavor in itself.

Scriptless Testing vs Scripted Testing: Which One Is for You?

Scriptless testing - a way of test automation that does not need scripting -  is a new method. It aims at minimizing a tester’s load in terms of learning to code and script! Just like in-sprint, scriptless testing is also a new and popular paradigm. If you have stumbled on this post, I am sure you must have heard about scriptless testing and are fascinated by its working. Or you are wondering whether you should go for scriptless or scripted testing? What’s in store for you if you choose one of them? Don’t worry. This post is just perfect to clear out your confusion. However, this post will not dive deep into scriptless testing and if you are interested in that solely, you may visit What is Scriptless testing and how it works.

Scripted Testing - Standard and Powerful Method

Scripted testing has been a standard method of automated testing for software and is today used in the majority of software development cycles. The following table shows the growth of the automation testing market over the years in billion dollars:

8 of the Best Software Testing Newsletters You Should Subscribe To

Newsletters are a great way to be continuously updated with what is happening around the world. What started as a formal exchange between officials in ancient Rome has become an essential part of the email newsroom. Instead of collecting and organizing the daily happenings in general, newsletters serve a specific purpose today. A newsletter helps us take a few minutes out of our busy schedule and keeps us connected with our fields of interest, be it technology or travel.

Over time newsletters have evolved with the reader’s interest shifting its focus. In earlier times, a newsletter was just news. Today, reader’s interest is more focused on specific blogs, articles, podcasts, webinars, and anything that can benefit a reader. While newsletters are of different types, our focus for this post would be computer geeks, specifically software testers. These software testing newsletters will introduce you to exciting concepts like metamorphic testing (happened with me!) while keeping you acquainted with the latest software testing news.

AVIF Image Format: The Next-Gen Compression Codec

Page speed is a big thing. From a search engine optimization perspective and user perspective. And it’s not me who’s saying this, it’s Google, Moz, and SEMrush and every major SEO site out there. Now when we talk about page speed, the biggest challenge for developers is always images. They are the bane of their existence and are usually to blame for slow page load times. That is one of the reasons why every developer is always looking for an image format that can improve their image compression. And AVIF has arrived to do just that.

The AVIF image format can address images compressed with the AV1 (AOMedia Video 1) algorithm. Compared to other compression codecs like JPEG, PNG, WebP, etc., it produces high quality compressed images without compromising much on quality. Developed by the Alliance for Open Media, it is a successor to WebP and promises to be a game-changer in image compression. With major companies supporting this format, the AVIF image format’s future is looking very bright.

Devising a UI Test Plan That Works Like a Charm

User Interface(UI) is the first thing that the user comes in contact with on your website. A good user interface attracts the user and helps to create a distinct identity of a website. This is why it becomes vital to test your UI, before pushing your website into production. UI Testing is a very important phase of development that opens up risks and possible breaks in the web application that could have been really hard to figure out. 

Testing increases the quality of the web application and it would not be wrong to say that the reputation of the web application depends on how well it has been tested. 

A JavaScript Flavor 52% of Developers Don’t Know About

Reason is a programming language created by Facebook that was released in 2017, but has a small community today. According to a survey by StateofJS, the Reason language has not been heard of by almost 52% of people. Facebook says it is a faster and simpler cousin of JavaScript and that proves the point that the syntax of Reason was made keeping JavaScript programmers in mind. Facebook needed a new language, but, in addition to that, did not want to create an entirely new language, i.e. they did not want to create everything from scratch. They wanted to build it on top of an existing language so that programmers didn’t need to learn an entirely new syntax and semantics. This resulted in the birth of Reason which is made 80% on top of OCaml. OCaml is a language that has been around for 22 years now. Although OCaml has a small community and is mainly used in academics, there is a reason why OCaml makes Reason so great.

Reason’s compilation target is JavaScript and hence it creates beautiful, readable compilation code in JavaScript, thus helping a huge army of JavaScript programmers across the globe. For example, the code given below is in Reason.