Create a Minimal Web API With ASP.NET Core and Publish To Azure API Management With Visual Studio

Minimal Web API is a new approach for building APIs without all the complex structures of MVC, so, in accordance with the name "minimal," it includes the essential components needed to build HTTP APIs. All that you need is only a CSPROJ and a Program.cs.

Benefits of Using Minimal Web API

  • Less complex than before
  • Easy to learn and use
  • Don’t need an MVC structure: no controllers!
  • Minimal code to build and compile the application, which means the application runs much faster (better performance)
  • Latest improvements and functionalities of .NET 6 and C#10


  • .NET 6 SDK
  • Visual Studio 2022 or Visual Studio Code (we will use both of them)

We will use two methods to create our Minimal Web API.

Deploy an Application for Azure Container Registry

Overview Docker Container and Image

Introduction to Docker Images

Docker is a tool that makes it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using a containerization approach. These containers are lightweight and take less time to start than traditional servers. These containers also increase performance and lower cost, while offering proper resource management. Another benefit to using Docker is that you no longer need to pre-allocate RAM to each container.

Docker Container and Docker Image

A Docker container is a virtualized runtime environment used in application development. As mentioned before in the definition of Docker, with Docker, we are able to create, run and deploy applications that are isolated from the underlying hardware. A Docker container can use just one machine, share its kernel and virtualize the OS to run more isolated processes. So, Docker containers are lightweight.

A Docker image is like a snapshot in other types of VM environments. It is a record of a Docker container at a specific point in time. Docker images are also immutable. While they can’t be changed, they can be duplicated, shared, or deleted. The feature is useful for testing new software or configurations because whatever happens, the image remains unchanged.

Azure, AWS, and GCP: A Multicloud Service Cheat Sheet

This article will help you to map between Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud solutions. If you are considering a multicloud architecture, it's important to understand the differences between each provider's suites.

Cloud Services Comparison

AI and Machine Learning
