MQTT Essentials

The Internet of Things (IoT) has recently gained massive traction. IoT challenges enterprises, small companies, and developers with new problems to solve. While HTTP is the de facto protocol for the human web, communication between machines at scale requires a paradigm shift — steering away from request/response and leading toward publish/subscribe. This is where the ultra-lightweight, massively scalable, open, and easy-to-implement MQTT protocol enters the picture. In this Refcard, we dive into what MQTT is and how it works, including brokers, client libraries, and more.

Apache Kafka Essentials

Dive into Apache Kafka: Readers will review its history and fundamental components — Pub/Sub, Kafka Connect, and Kafka Streams. Key concepts in these areas are supplemented with detailed code examples that demonstrate producing and consuming data, using connectors for easy data streaming and transformation, performing common operations in KStreams, and more.

GraphQL Essentials

As an alternative to REST, GraphQL is quickly gaining popularity as a tool for building APIs and fetching declarative data. This Refcard introduces GraphQL concepts such as core design principles, schemas and types, fields, arguments, and lastly, how to secure your GraphQL APIs.

Getting Started With Java-Based CMS

In this Refcard, learn to create a Content Management System to craft and deploy content-enabled digital experiences quickly. Learn to create and deploy content-enabled digital experiences quickly. Additionally, walk through the process of putting a modern CMS into practice, from installation to project creation.

DevOps for Database

While there has been a sharp focus and tremendous acceleration in the velocity of application software releases, updates to the underlying database have remained manual and are increasingly a bottleneck to the overall software delivery pipeline. Download this new Refcard to get started with Database Release Automation and eliminate bottlenecks. Learn the key best practices that your DevOps database solution should meet in order for you to get the most out of your investment.

Getting Started With Appium

In this Refcard, you will learn everything you need to know about getting started with this open-source tool, from installing the Appium server to running your first tests. Download this Refcard now to see why Appium is "Mobile App Automation Made Awesome."